Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Submissions from 2007


Wal-Mart Bank in Mexico: Money to the Masses and the Home-Host Hole, Anna Gelpern

The Velásquez Rodriguez Case: The Development of the Inter-American Human Rights System, Claudio Grossman


FDA Jurisdiction: A Matter of Definitions, Lewis Grossman

Not on Our Watch, Rebecca Hamilton and Chad Hazlett

Counterintuitive Thoughts on Legal Scholarship and Secured Transactions, Heather Hughes


The Implications of Climate Change Litigation for International Environmental Law-Making, David B. Hunter


Reparations: A Remedies Law Perspective, Darren L. Hutchinson

The Story of Standard Oil Co. v. United States, James May


American Husbandry: Legal Norms Impacting the Production of (Re)Productivity, Camille Nelson


Another View on European Integration: Distributive Stakes in the Harmonization of European Law, Fernanda Nicola


Reparations: A Comparative Perspective, Fernanda G. Nicola

Genocide, Diane Orentlicher


‘Settling Accounts’ Revisited: Reconciling Global Norms with Local Agency, Diane F. Orentlicher


Medical Malpractice Insurance Crisis: An Inquiry into the Relationship between the Crisis and Access to Health Care for Women of Color, Corrine Parver and Tara Hechlik Newsom


Commodification, Intellectual Property and the Women of Gee’s Bend, Victoria F. Phillips


Summing Up the Public Interest. Review of Media Diversity and Localism: Meaning and Metrics, Victoria F. Phillips


No Wealthy Parent Left Behind: An Analysis of Tax Subsidies for Higher Education, Andrew Pike


Reparations of the Inter-American Human Rights System in Cases of Gross and Systemic Violations of Human Rights: The Colombian Case, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon

Obligations of Privilege, Ezra Rosser

The Impact of The Prison Rape Elimination Act on Jails and Lock-ups, Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Nairi M. Simonian


Breaking the Code of Silence: Correction Officers' Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Misconduct, Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, Morris L. Thigpen, Thomas Beauclair, Larry Solomon, and Dee Halley


Empirical Legal Studies, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Data, Amy M. Taylor


Deconstructing Hirota: Habeas Corpus, Citizenship, and Article III, Stephen I. Vladeck


Inchoate Liability and the Espionage Act: The Statutory Framework and the Freedom of the Press, Stephen I. Vladeck


Peace Agreement Drafting Guide: Darfur, Paul Williams, Matthew Simpson, and Christina Sheetz

Submissions from 2006

In re Mercedes-Benz Antitrust Litigation_pretrial motion testimony, Jonathan Baker

Sports Law & Regulation: Cases Materials & Problems, 3d, Jonathan Baker and M. Howard Morse


Creating a Client Consortium: Building Social Capital, Bridging Structural Holes, Susan Bennett


The Governance of the IMF: The Need for Comprehensive Reform, Daniel Bradlow


Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberation, Susan Carle


Creative Commons as Conversational Copyright, Michael Carroll


One for All: The Problem of Uniformity Cost in Intellectual Property Law, Michael W. Carroll

Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy, Janie Chuang

Guardianship and Its Alternatives for Adults with Down Syndrome, Robert Dinerstein

Trademark Dilution Law: A Remedy in Search of a Harm, Christine Haight Farley


Trademark Dilution Law: What's Behind the Rhetoric?, Christine Haight Farley


Why We Are Confused About Trademark Dilution Law, Christine Haight Farley


Brief of Amicus Curiae, The National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices, the New Hampshire Medical Society, and Prescription Policy Choices in Support of Defendant's Objection to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Sean Flynn


Public Symbol in Private Contract: A Case Study, Anna Gelpern and G. Mitu Gulati

The Conflicting And Contradictory Dance: The Essential Management Of Identity For Women Of Colour In The Legal Academy, Camille Nelson

Striking a Balance: Mixed Law Tribunals and Conflicts of Jurisdiction, Diane Orentlicher

Whose Justice? Reconciling Universal Jurisdiction with Democratic Principles, Diane Orentlicher

Giving a Break to the Producers of Unsafe Durable Goods: A Criticism of The United States House of Representatives Bill 3509, Andrew F. Popper


Pathways through Financial Crisis: Argentina Understanding Pathways through Financial Crises and the Impact of the IMF, Brad Setser and Anna Gelpern


Discovery, Reclamation, and Redemption: The Journey From the Practice of Law to the Construction Trailer, Steven G. Shapiro


Analyzing Prison Sex: Reconciling Self Expression with Safety, Brenda V. Smith


Rethinking Prison Sex: Self Expression and Safety, Brenda V. Smith


Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: A Modern Corollary of Slavery, Brenda V. Smith

Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: A Modern Corollary of Slavery, Brenda V. Smith


Chapter 33: The Health Concerns of Incarcerated Women, Brenda V. Smith, Nairi M. Simonian, Jaime Yarussi, and Russ Immarigeon