Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Submissions from 2002


Controlling Corruption in International Business: The International Legal Framework, Padideh Ala'i


Controlling Corruption in International Business: The International Legal Framework Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An Insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Padideh Ala'i


Review of Proposed Alliance of Delta, Northwest, and Continental Airlines, Jonathan Baker, Albert Foer, and Alfred Kahn


Embracing the Ill-Structured Problem in a Community Economic Development Clinic, Susan Bennett


Little Engines that could: Community Clients, their Lawyers, and Training in the Arts of Democracy, Susan Bennett


The World Commission on Dams' Contribution to the Broader Debate on Development Decision-Making, Daniel D. Bradlow


Race, Class, and Legal Ethics in the Early Naacp (1910-1920), Susan Carle

Democratizing Multilateral Development Banks, David Hunter


Toward A Bridge: The Role of Legal Academics in the Culture of Private Practice, Camille Nelson


Casey Skit: A Pedagogical Tool for Interviewing Young Women and Proceeding Through a Judicial Bypass Hearing, Jamin B. Raskin and Ann Shalleck


Magistrate Judges, Article III, and the Power to Preside Over Federal Prisoner Section 2255 Proceedings., Ira P. Robbins


America’s Forgotten Constitutions: Defiant Visions of Power and Community, Herman Schwartz


The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe, Herman Schwartz


Introductory Remarks: The Burden of Judicial Bypass Proceedings, Ann Shalleck


Introduction to the Symposium: Homophobia in the Halls of Justice: Sexual Orientation Bias and its Implications within the Legal System, Brenda V. Smith and Pamela Bridgewater

Anatomy of an Environmental Scapegoat, William Snape

Population Viability Analysis and Conservation Policy, William Snape, Mark Shaffer, Laura Hood Watchman, and Ingrid K. Latchis

The Role of Justice in Peace Negotiations, Paul Williams

How to Read the Constitution--and Why, Paul Williams and Norman L. Cigar

Indictment at the Hague: The Milosevic Regime and Crimes of the Balkan Wars, Paul Williams and Michael P. Scharf

Submissions from 1999


Free Trade or Sustainable Development? An Analysis of the WTO Appellate Body's Shift to a More Balanced Approach to Trade LIberalization, Padideh Ala'i


Horizontal Mergers: Law and Policy, Jonathan Baker, John Meyer, Elizabeth Bailey, Roden Brandt, Darius Gaskins Jr., Jóse Gómez-Ibáñez, Cornish Hitchcock, Alfred Kahn, Randall Malin, Steven Morrison, sherwin rosen, and Thomas Menzies Jr.