Submissions from 1993
United States v. Airline Tariff Publishing Co._declaration estimating consumer injury from air fare coordination, Jonathan Baker
Disentitling the poor: waivers and welfare “reform”, Susan Bennett and Kathleen A. Sullivan
Rights of Institutionalized Persons with Disabilities, Robert Dinerstein
Books from 1992
Maximizing Deniability the Justice System and Human Rights in Guatemala, Kenneth Anderson
A Critical Introduction to the Conference on Human Rights, Public Finance, and the Development Process, Daniel D. Bradlow
In the Village Square: Risk Misperception and Decisionmaking in the Regulation of Low-Level Radioactive Waste, Jorge Contreras
Who Shall Rule and Govern? Local Legislative Delegations, Racial Politics, and the Voting Rights Act, Binny Miller
Feminist Legal Theory and the Reading of O'Brien v. Cunard, Ann Shalleck
The Feminist Transformation of Lawyering: A Response to Naomi Cahn, Ann Shalleck
Possession: A Brief for Louisiana's Rights of Succession to the Legacy of Roman Law, David Snyder
Submissions from 1991
Debt, Development, and Human Rights: Lessons From South Africa, Danil D. Bradlow
The Art Auctioneer: Duties and Assumptions, Jorge Contreras
Wilson Sporting Goods and Hypothetical Patent Claims: A New Slice at the Doctrine of Equivalents, Jorge Contreras
Books from 1990
Persecuting Human Rights Monitors: The CERJ in Guatemala, Kenneth Anderson and Helsinki Watch Committee
Heartbreak Hotel: The Disharmonious Convergence of Welfare, Housing and Homelessness, Susan Bennett
Human Rights of Older People: Universal and Regional Legal Perspectives, Ira P. Robbins
Disclosure of Medical Information Under Louisiana and Federal Law, David Snyder
Reclaiming Fair Use: How to Put Balance Back in Copyright, 2d, Paul Williams
Books from 1989
Entry and Competition in the U.S. Airline Industry Issues and Opportunities - Special Report 255, Padideh Ala'i
Food and Drug Law: Cases and Materials, 4d, Kenneth Anderson
Yugoslavia: Crisis in Kosovo, Kenneth Anderson
Defining the Struggle: National Organizing for Racial Justice, 1880-1915 1st Edition, Barlow Burke
Rights of Institutionalized Disabled Persons, Robert Dinerstein
States of Emergency: Latin America and the United States, Claudio Grossman
Report of the Women and the Law Project: Gender Bias and the Law School Curriculum, Ann Shalleck
Books from 1988
Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary, 2d, David E. Aaronson
Maryland Criminal Justice Clinic Trial Practice Manual, David Aaronson and Rita Simon
The Insanity Defense: A Critical Assessment of Law and Policy in the Post-Hinckley Era, David Aaronson and Rita Simon
The Paradoxical Nature of the “Shari’ah” or Islamic law: A Guide to Human Nature, Padideh Ala'i
Testimony of Professor Jonathan Baker, Dartmouth University, to the United States Sentencing Commission, Jonathan Baker
The Rehnquist Court: Activism on the Right, Herman Schwartz
Books from 1987
Habeas Corpus Relief, Ira Robbins
Judicial Sabbaticals, Ira Robbins
Packing the Courts: The Conservative Campaign to Rewrite the Constitution, Herman Schwartz
Books from 1986
Three essays in economics and law, Jonathan Baker and William Blumenthal
Final Report of Economic Evidence Task Force: Task Force on Economic Evidence, Jonathan Baker and Timothy Bresnahan
Submissions from 1985
Christian Schmidt Brewing Co. v. G. Heileman Brewing Co._representing Heileman Brewing Co., Jonathan Baker
Books from 1984
The New Justice: Alternatives to Conventional Criminal Adjudication, David Aaronson, C. Dienes, and Michael Musheno
In re Certain Alkaline Batteries_representing Duracell, Jonathan Baker
The Rights of Children Living Apart from Their Parents, Ann Shalleck
Submissions from 1983
Applying Restitution to Remedy a Discriminatory Denial of Partnership, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
Books from 1982
Public Policy and Police Discretion: Processes of Decriminalization, David Aaronson, C. Dienes, and Michael Musheno
The Law and Processes of Post-Conviction Remedies: Cases and Materials, Ira Robbins
Books from 1980
Shipper Antitrust Liability in a Rate-Deregulated Market: Fundamental Inquiries and Analysis, Andrew Popper
Comparative Postconviction Remedies, Ira Robbins
Prisoners' Rights Sourcebook: Theory, Litigation, Practice, Vol. 2, Ira Robbins
Books from 1977
Alternatives to Conventional Criminal Adjudication: Guidebook for Planners and Practioners, David Aaronson, Bert Hoff, Peter Jaszi, Nicholas Kittrie, and David Saari
The Defense of Insanity Controversial Issues in Crime and Justice, David Aaronson, Nicholas Kittrie, and David Saari