Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Books from 2005


Leopold & Morel: A Story of 'Free Trade' and 'Native Rights' in the Congo Free State, Padideh Ala'i


Leopold & Morel: A Story of ‘Free Trade’ and ‘Native Rights’ in the Congo Free State, Padideh Ala'i


International Law and Reparations: The Inter-American System, Padideh Ala'i, Tomer Broude, and Colin Picker


Hearing on Merger Enforcement, Panel on Treatment of Efficiencies Antitrust Modernization Commission, Jonathan Baker

In re Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Corp._deposition testimony, Jonathan Baker

In re Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Corp._trial testimony, Jonathan Baker

In re Mercedes-Benz Antitrust Litigation_deposition testimony, Jonathan Baker

Differing Conceptions of Development and the Content of International Development Law, Daniel Bradlow


Differing Conceptions of Development and the Content of International Development Law, Daniel D. Bradlow


Private Complainants and International Organizations: A Comparative Study of the Independent Inspection Mechanisms in International Financial Institutions, Daniel D. Bradlow


Operational Policies and Procedures and an Ombudsman, Daniel D. Bradlow

Copyright Law, 10d, Susan Carle


The Struggle for Music Copyright, Michael W. Carroll

Self-Advocacy, Self-Determination, and Social Freedom and Opportunity, Robert Dinerstein, Laurie Powers, and Steve Holmes

Statute of Frauds, Notice, and the Parol Evidence Rules, Walter Effross


Judging Art, Christine Haight Farley


International Decisions: Occidental Exploration and Production Company V. The Republic of Ecuador, Susan Franck


What Iraq and Argentina Might Learn from Each Other, Anna Gelpern


Report of the Independent Expert on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism, Robert K. Goldman

Privatisation of Corrections: A Violation of U.S. Domestic Law, International Human Rights, and Good Sense, Ira P. Robbins


Institutions and the Development of Legal Theory: The Significance of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Ann Shalleck

Chapter 19. Battering, Forgiveness, and Redemption: Exploring Alternative Models for Addressing Domestic Violence in Communities of Color, Brenda Smith, Natalie J. Sokoloff, Carolyn West, Ida Dupont, Christina Pratt, Rhea Almeida, Judith Lockard, Leti Volpp, Kathryn Laughon, Michelle Fine, Rosemarie Roberts, Lois Weis, Andrea Smith, and Beth Richie

Proactive Habitat Conservation, William Snape

Books from 2004

'Global Civil Society': A Skeptical View, Kenneth Anderson and David Rieff


Development Decision Making and the Content of International Development Law, Daniel D. Bradlow


Association of American Law Schools Conference: Transcript of the Section on Natural Resources in Atlanta, Georgia, Barlow Burke


Whose Music is it Anyway? How We Came to View Musical Expression as a Form of Property, Michael W. Carroll


The Lingering Effects of Copyright's Response to the Invention of Photography, Christine Haight Farley


Domestic and External Debt: The Doomed Quest for Equal Treatment, Anna Gelpern and Brad Setser


Global Legal Education and Human Rights, Claudio Grossman


Consistently Revealing the Inconsistencies: The Construction of Fear in the Criminal Law, Camille Nelson


Independent study on best practices, including recommendations, to assist states in strengthening their domestic capacity to combat all aspects of impunity, by Professor Diane Orentlicher, Diane Orentlicher


On Media Consolidation, The Public Interest, and Angels Earning Wings, Victoria F. Phillips


MGM v. Grokster, Brief Amici Curiae of the Computer & Communications Industry Association and Internet Archive, In Opposition to the Writ of Certiorari, to the United States Supreme Court, Laura Quilter and Peter Jaszi


Right Wing Justice: The Conservative Campaign to Take Over the Courts, Herman Schwartz


Connection, Capacity and Morality in Lawyer-Client Relationships: Dialogues and Commentary, Ann Shalleck, Robert Dinerstein, Stephen Ellmann, and Isabelle Gunning


Speech and Strife, Robert L. Tsai


Changing Channels and Bridging Divides: The Failure and Redemption of American Broadcast Television Regulation, Anthony E. Varona