Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Books from 2020


The Law of Law School: The Essential Guide for First-Year Law Students, Andrew Ferguson, David Kaye, and David Bernstein


WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property (IP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sean Flynn

Africa, the Court, and the Council, Rebecca Hamilton


Mastering Criminal Procedure, Volume 1: The Investigative Stage, 3d, Cynthia Jones, Peter J. Henning, Ellen S. Podogor, Karen McDonald Henning, and Sanjay K. Chhablani


A Proposal to Simplify Quantum Meruit Litigation, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer

Bottoms Up Narratives at the European Court of Justice, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr.

Local, Institutional, Decolonizing and Democratic Resistances to Global Convergence, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr.


The Failure to Grapple with Racial Capitalism in European Constitutionalism, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr.


The Tokyo Tribunal’s Legal Origins and Contributions to International Jurisprudence as Illustrated by Its Treatment of Sexual Violence, Diane Orentlicher


Habeas Corpus Checklists, 2019-2020 ed., Ira Robbins


Prisoners and the Law, Ira Robbins


Brief of Nat’l Assoc. of Crim. Defense Attorney & Nat’l Assoc. of Fed’l Defenders as Amicus Curiae, Pereida v. Barr, No. 19-438 (U.S.) (Feb. 2020)., Jenny Roberts

Chapter 3 Improving NGO and IGO Capacity to Gather Evidence, Susana Sacouto

Interview with Brenda V. Smith, Co-Lead Counsel for the Plaintiffs in Women Prisoners of D.C., Brenda V. Smith, Margo Schlanger, Sheila Bedi, David M. Shapiro, and Lynn S. Branham

Trade as guarantor of peace, liberty and security?: critical, empirical and historical perspectives, Kimberly Wehle

Sports Law: Governance and Regulation, 3d, Paul Williams

Submissions from 2019


House Ways and Means Committee Hearing on the 2017 Tax Bill and Who it Left Behind, Nancy Abramowitz


Publicly Charged: A Critical Examination of Immigration Public Benefit Restrictions, Cori Alonso-Yoder

Empirical Studies of Claim Construction, Jonas Anderson

Fundamentals of Property Law, 5d, Jonathan Baker


Multilateral Development Banks, Their Member States and Public Accountability: A Proposal, Daniel D. Bradlow


Why Central Banks Need to Take Human Rights More Seriously, Daniel D. Bradlow

Personal Property in a Nutshell, 4d, Barlow Burke

Property: Examples & Explanations, 6d, Barlow Burke and Joseph Snoe


Libraries' Shifting Roles and Responsibilities in the Networked Age, Michael W. Carroll


Tailoring Intellectual Property Rights to Reduce Uniformity Cost, Michael W. Carroll

Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective, John B. Corr, William M. Janssen, and Steven Baicker-McKee

Microsoft Ireland, the CLOUD Act, and Access to Data Across Borders, Jennifer C. Daskal


Sports Law and Regulation: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 5d, N. Jeremi Duru, Matthew Mitten, Timothy Davis, and Barbara Osborne


Sports Law & Regulation: Cases Materials & Problems, 5d, N. Jeremi Duru, Matthew Mitten, Timothy Davis, and Rodney Smith


Sports Law and Regulation: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Fifth Edition, N. Jeremi Duru, Matthew J. Mitten, Timothy Davis, and Barbara Osborne


Confusing the Similarity of Trademarks Law in Domain Name Disputes, Christine Farley


Public Policy Limitations on Trademark Subject Matter: A U.S. Perspective, Christine Farley


Predictive Policing Theory, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson

A Guide to the Federal Tort Claims Act, 2d, Paul F. Figley


The User Rights Database: Measuring the Impact of Copyright Balance, Sean Flynn and Michael Palmedo

Guide to Federal Agency Rulemaking, 6d, Susan Franck


Alienating Citizens, Amanda Frost

Beyond Takedown: Expanding the Toolkit for Responding to Online Hate, Rebecca Hamilton and Molly K. Land


Conduct Yourselves Accordingly: Amending Bar Character and Fitness Questions to Promote Lawyer Well-Being, David Jaffe and Janet Stearns


Accused and Unconvicted: Fleeing from Wealth-Based Pretrial Detention, Cynthia E. Jones

Alternatives to Basic Income, Benjamin Leff


EITC For All: A Universal Basic Income Compromise Proposal, Benjamin Leff


What is Lost When Philanthropy Avoids Philanthropy Law, Benjamin Leff

A Guide to Federal Agency Rule Making, 6d., Jeffrey S. Lubbers


Visibility and Accountability: Shining a Light on Proceedings in Misdemeanor Two-Tier Court Systems, Binny Miller


An Irrevocably Tainted Opinion: Zen's Threat to Public Discourse, Andrew F. Popper


Rethinking Feres: Granting Access to Justice for Service Members, Andrew F. Popper


The Misuse of Product Misuse: Victim Blaming at Its Worst, Andrew F. Popper and Robert Adler


Attorney-Client Privilege in the United States, Paul Rice