The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2023
Reconstruction's Lessons, Susan D. Carle
The Failed Idea of Judicial Restraint: A Brief Intellectual History, Susan D. Carle
Examining Patent Eligibility, Charles Duan
Mandatory Infringement, Charles Duan
On the Appeal of Drug Patent Challenges, Charles Duan
Securing Patent Law, Charles Duan
Securing Patent Law, Charles Duan
Foreign Policy Implications for China’s “Foreign-Related ‘Rule of Law’”, Matthew S. Erie
Trademarks in An Algorithmic World, Christine Farley
Raising the Threshold for Trademark Infringement Protect Free Expression, Christine Haight Farley and Lisa P. Ramsey
Digital Habit Evidence, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Reforming World Bank Dispute Resolution: ICSID in Context, Susan Franck
Conference On Sea Level Rise and International Law: Assessing Its Impacts on The Americas Opening Speech, Claudio Grossman
In Memoriam: Paul R. Rice, Claudio Grossman, Wayne Brazil, Eldone E. Fallon, Robert K. Goldman, and Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Freedom Not to See a Doctor: The Path Toward Over-The-Counter Abortion Pills, Lewis Grossman
The Mifepristone Litigation: Untangling the Implications of the Fifth Circuit's Decision for Abortion Access and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Lewis Grossman, Patricia J. Zettler, Eli Y. Adashi, and I Glenn Cohen
Future-Proofing U.S. Laws for War Crimes Investigations in the Digital Era, Rebecca Hamilton
Ukraine's Push to Prosecute Aggression: Implications for Immunity Ratione Personae and the Crime of Aggression, Rebecca Hamilton
Law Schools Should Take on Students' Mental Health and Substance Use from Day One, David Jaffe
Fixing a Broken Character Evaluation Process, David Jaffe and Janet Stearns
The Ripple Effects of Dobbs on Health Care Beyond Wanted Abortion, Maya Manian
The Values-Based Trade Agenda, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr. and Michelle Egan
Fleeing the Land of the Free, Jayesh Rathod
Affirmatively Resisting, Ezra Rosser
Natural Law, Assumptions, and Humility, Ezra Rosser
Navajo Statehood: From Domestic Dependent Nation to 51st State, Ezra Rosser
Writer's Block: The Art of Discovery: Part 1, David Spratt
Corporate Consolidation of Rental Housing & the Case for National Rent Stabilization, Brandon Weiss
Submissions from 2022
What Inclusive Instructors Do Book Review, Jamie Abrams
On the Misuse of Regressions of Price on the HHI in Merger Review, Jonathan Baker
Charting a Course past Spokeo and TransUnion, Elizabeth Earle Beske
Litigating the Separation of Powers, Elizabeth Earle Beske
Litigating the Separation of Powers, Elizabeth Earle Beske
Why the U.S. Founders' Conceptions of Human Agency Matter Today: The Example of Senate Malapportionment, Susan D. Carle
Rules of Engagement: Copyright and Automated Gatekeepers' Influence on Creative Expression, Michael W. Carroll
The Perils of Private Prosecutions, Angela J. Davis
Guardianships vs. Special Needs Trusts, and Other Protective Arrangements: Ensuring Judicial Accountability and Beneficiary Autonomy, Robert Dinerstein, Frank A. Johns, and Patricia E. Kefalas Dudek
It's Not Child's Play: A Regulatory Approach to Reforming American Youth Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
For Grand Juries, Roger Fairfax
Interrogating the Nonincorporation of the Grand Jury Clause, Roger Fairfax
Why Digital Policing is Different, Andrew Ferguson
Courts Without Court, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Persistent Surveillance, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Epidemics and International Law: The Need for International Regulation, Claudio Grossman
The Invasion of Ukraine: A Gross Violation of International Law, Claudio Grossman
In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Egon Guttmon, Claudio Grossman, Walter A. Effross, and David Snyder
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Articles on Human Rights and States of Emergency: Unexpected Crisis and New Challenges: Prologue, Claudio Grossman and Robert K. Goldman
Platform-Enabled Crimes: Pluralizing Accountability When Social Media Companies Enable Perpetrators to Commit Atrocities, Rebecca Hamilton
Moving beyond State-Centrism in International Environmental Law Road to Stockholm+50, David Hunter