The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2021
Trademark Law’s Monopoly Problem: The Supreme Court on Generic Terms as Trademarks, Christine Farley
Facial Recognition and the Fourth Amendment, Andrew Ferguson
Surveillance and the Tyrant Test, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
The Past, Present, and Future of Investment Treaty Conflict Management and Dispute Systems Design, Susan Franck
“By Accident of Birth”: The Battle over Birthright Citizenship after United States v. Wong Kim Ark, Amanda Frost
Paper Courts and Parental Rights: Balancing Access, Agency, and Due Process, Tianna N. Gibbs
Using Experiential Learning to Create an Inclusive Classroom, Promote Equity, and Develop Professional Identity, Tianna N. Gibbs
Pandemics and International Law: The Need for Action [Chile], Claudio Grossman
Pandemics and International Law: The Need for International Action, Claudio Grossman
Governing the Global Public Square, Rebecca Hamilton
Blockchain & Secured Transactions Proceedings of the 2021 Spring Conference: The Impact of Blockchain on the Practice of Law: Presentation 4, Heather Hughes
Designing Effective Regulation for Blockchain-Based Markets, Heather Hughes
The Complex Implications of Fintech for Financial Inclusion, Heather Hughes
A Long Road or Dead End?: Justice for a Chilean General, Julio A. Sanchez and Anita Sinha
Challenges to the Independence of Inspectors General in Robust Congressional Oversight, Fernando R. Laguarda
Foreword, Fernando R. Laguarda
Marijuana Taxation: Theory and Practice, Benjamin Leff
Rule of Law and Human Rights: Strengthening Democratic Institutions Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Articles on Rule of Law and Human Rights: Strengthening Democratic Institutions: Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
George Floyd and Empathy Stories, Binny Miller
Racial Disparities Inherent in America's Fragmented Parole System, Olinda Moyd
Legal Diplomacy in an Age of Authoritarianism, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr.
The Italian Model to Fight COVID-19: Regional Cooperation, Regulatory Inflation, and the Cost of One-Size-Fits-All Lockdown Measures, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr.
It's All About Pasta: Protectionism, Liberalization, and the Challenge for Quality and Sustainability of Made in Italy, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr. and Gino Scaccia
Ensuring Access to Accurate Information and Combatting Misinformation, Diane Orentlicher
The Emerging Shape of Global Justice: Retrogression or Course Correction?, Diane Orentlicher
Who Gets to Make a Living? Street Vending in America, Joseph Pileri
Sham Subpoenas and Prosecutorial Ethics, Ira Robbins
Explaining Florida Man, Ira P. Robbins
Symposium: Expanding Compassion Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jenny Roberts
The Shadow Bargainers, Jenny Roberts, Ronald F. Wright, and Betina Cutaia Wilkinson
Selected Issues Related to the Interaction of International Human Rights Conventions with a Proposed Treaty on Pandemics, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Court Personalities and Impoverished Parents, Ezra Rosser
The Dream of Property Professors, Ezra Rosser
The Euclid Proviso, Ezra Rosser
Pandemics and the Disproportionate Impact on Vulnerable Groups, Macarena Saez
Conservation Easements as a Tool for Nature Protection, William Snape
Making America a Better Place for All: Sustainable Development Recommendations for the Biden Administration, William Snape; Tony Pipa; Audra Wilson; John Bouman; Claire Babineaux-Fontenot; Corey Malone-Smolla; Alexandra Phelan; Mark Dorosin; Karol Boudreaux; Robert Adler; Uma Outka; Elizabeth Kronk Warner; Stephen Herzenberg; Samuel Markolf; Mikhail Chester; Gerlad Torres; Jonathan Rosenbloom; LeRoy Paddock; Michael B. Gerrard; Anastasia M. Telesetsky; Kimberly Brown; Jane Nelson; John C. Dernbach; and Scott E, Schang
Balancing Buyers and Supplier Responsibilities: Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers in International Supply Chains, David Snyder, Susan Maslow, and Sarah Dadush
Difficulty of Care: Aligning Tax and Health Care Policy for Family Caregiving, Christine Speidel
Debunking the Efficacy of Standard Contract Boilerplate: Part III, David Spratt
Improve Recitals and Consideration Clauses with Plain Language, David Spratt
Clarifying Nonprofit Purchase Rights in Affordable Housing, Brandon Weiss
The Next Four Years, Stephen Wermiel
Quarantine, Isolation, and Metaphorical Takings: Balancing Individual Rights and Public Health Responses to Disease Outbreaks, Thomas Williams
Submissions from 2020
The Legal Scholar's Guide Book Reviews, Jamie Abrams
Citizen Soldiers and the Foundation Fusion of Masculinity, Citizenship, and Military Service, Jamie Abrams and Nickole Durbin
The Language of Harm: What the Nassar Victim Impact Statements Reveal About Abuse and Accountability, Jamie Abrams and Amanda Potts
Payments Failure, Hilary Allen
Driverless Finance, Hilary J. Allen
Experimental Strategies for Regulating Fintech, Hilary J. Allen