The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2020
Sandbox Boundaries, Hilary J. Allen
Publicly Charged: A Critical Examination of Immigrant Public Benefit Restrictions, Cori Alonso-Yoder
Non-Excludable Surgical Method Patents, Jonas Anderson
Nonexcludable Surgical Method Patents, Jonas Anderson
Oligopoly Coordination, Economic Analysis, and the Prophylactic Role of Horizontal Merger Enforcement, Jonathan Baker and Joseph Farrell
Recommendations and Comments on the Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines, Jonathan Baker, Nancy Rose, Steven Salop, and Fiona Scott Morton
Making the Second Pandemic: The Eviction Tsunami, Small Landlords, and the Preservation of “Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing", Susan Bennett
The Current Anxiety About "JD Advantage" Jobs: An Analysis, Susan Carle
Preventing Trafficking through New Global Governance, Janie Chuang
Transnational Government Hacking, Jennifer Daskal
LETTER AND INTRODUCTION: An Introduction by Angela J. Davis, Angela J. Davis
Introduction, Angela J. Davis
Copyright in the Texts of the Law: Historical Perspectives, Charles Duan
Gene Patents, Drug Prices, and Scientific Research: Unexpected Effects of Recently Proposed Patent Eligibility Legislation, Charles Duan
Of Monopolies and Monocultures: The Intersection of Patents and National Security, Charles Duan
Who's Afraid of Section 1498? A Case for Government Patent Use in Pandemics and Other National Crisis, Charles Duan and Christopher J. Morten
The Lost Unfair Competition Law, Christine Farley
Big Data Prosecution and Brady, Andrew Ferguson
Structural Sensor Surveillance, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Defending Government Tort Litigation: Considerations for Scholars, Paul F. Figley
Implementing User Rights for Research in the Field of Artificial Intelligence: A Call for International Action, Sean Flynn and Michael W. Carroll
Innovative Approaches to Diversion Data, Sean Flynn, Robin Olsen, and Maggie Wolk
Erasing Race, Llezlie Green
Outsourcing Discrimination, Llezlie Green
Chile: Need to Broaden Support for Public Policies, Claudio Grossman
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights' Observer at the AMIA Bombing Trial, Claudio Grossman
Social Media Platforms in International Criminal Investigations, Rebecca Hamilton
U.S. Regulation of Blockchain Currencies: A Policy Overview, Heather Hughes
SDLP after 20: Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene, David Hunter
What Didn't Happen: An Essay in Speculation, Peter Jaszi
Crash Goes ICANN's Multistakeholder Model, Kathryn Kleiman
A Proposal to Simplify Quantum Meruit Litigation, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
Fixing the Johnson Amendment without Totally Destroying It, Benjamin Leff
Emerging Challenges in the Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Access to Justice for Victims of Conflict-related Sexual Violence, Claudia Martin, Susana SáCouto, and Susana SaCouto
The Failure to Grapple with Racial Capitalism in European Constitutionalism, Jeffrey Miller
La Doctrine in Denial and the Missing Distributive Analysis, Fernanda Nicola
The Balkanization of Data Privacy Regulation, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr.
Memories of Judgement: Constructing the ICTY’s Legacies, Diane Orentlicher
Memories of Judgment: Constructing the ICTY's Legacies, Diane Orentlicher
Worth the Effort?: Assessing the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, Diane Orentlicher
Sea Change: The Rising Tide of Pro Bono Legal Services for the Creative Community, Victoria Phillips
Emerging Challenges in the Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon and Claudia Martin
Shelter Mobility, and the Voucher Program, Ezra Rosser
State Interventions In Local Zoning, Ezra Rosser
White Parents Searching for White Public Schools, Ezra Rosser
From the Editors, Ezra Rosser and Robert Dinerstein
From the Editors, Ezra Rosser and Robert Dinerstein