The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2022
A Science-Based Policy for Managing Free-Roaming Cats, David Hunter, Christopher A. Lepczyk, David C. Duffy, David M. Bird, Michael Calver, Dmitry Cherkassky, Linda Cherkassky, Christopher R. Dickman, David Jessup, Travis Longcore, Scott R. Loss, Kerrie Anne T. Loyd, Peter P. Marra, John M. Marzluff, Reed F. Noss, Daniel Simberloff, Grant C. Sizemore, Stanley A. Temple, and Yolanda van Heezik
Reflections on Law Student Mental Health by a Dean of Students after 25 Years, David Jaffe
"It's Okay to Not Be Okay": The 2021 Survey of Law Student Well-Being, David Jaffe, Katherine M. Bender, and Jerome Organ
Data Privacy, Human Rights, and Algorithmic Opacity, Sylvia Lu
Interjurisdictional Abortion Wars in the Post-Roe Era, Maya Manian
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Articles on Human Rights and States of Emergency: Unexpected Crisis and New Challenges: Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Louis Henkin Memorial Lecture University of Miami Law School, Juan Mendez
Building Fierce Empathy, Binny Miller
Teaching Case Theory, Binny Miller
Teaching about Justice by Teaching with Justice: Global Perspectives on Clinical Legal Education and Rebellious Lawyering, Olinda Moyd, Catherine F. Klein, Richard Roe, Mizanur Rahman, Dipika Jain, Abhayraj Naik, Natalia Martinuzzi Castilho, Taysa Schiocchet, Sunday Kenechukwu Agwu, Bianca Sukrow, and Christoph Konig
Defending Democracy Through Law: The Establishment of the Legal Service of the European Parliment, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr. and Antonio Caiola
Victim Participation and Social Impact: Contemporary Lessons of the Eichmann Trial, Diane Orentlicher
Africana Legal Studies: A New Theoretical Approach to Law & Protocol, Angi Porter
Transformative Immigration Lawyering, Jayesh Rathod
[Marked Confidential]: Negative Externalities of Discovery Secrecy, Gustavo Ribeiro
Citizen's Arrest and Race, Ira P. Robbins
Sunshine Laws Behind the Clouds: Limited Transparency in a Time of National Emergency, Ira P. Robbins
The Obsolescence of Blue Laws in the 21st Century, Ira P. Robbins
Expanded Criminal Defense Lawyering, Jenny Roberts and Ronald Wright
A Liberal Theory of Property Book Review, Ezra Rosser
The Law of FRIENDS, Ezra Rosser
Reclaiming Establishment: Identity and the 'Religious Equality Problem', Faraz Sanei
A Lineage of Family Separation, Anita Sinha
Transnational Migrant Deterrence, Anita Sinha
Contracting for Process, David Snyder
Debunking the Efficacy of Standard Contract Boilerplate: Part IV, David Spratt
Debunking the Efficacy of Standard Contract Boilerplate: Part V, David Spratt
Opportunity Zones, 1031 Exchanges, and Universal Housing Vouchers, Brandon Weiss
Foreword, Stephen Wermiel
Founding the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project, Stephen Wermiel
A Tale of Three Reporters: Reflecting on Branzburg v. Hayes at 50, Stephen Wermiel and Lee Levine
War Crimes: History, Basic Concepts, and Structures, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 2021
Legal Education's Curricular Tipping Point Toward Inclusive Socratic Teaching, Jamie Abrams
The WTO and Pandemics, Padideh Ala'i and Clemence D. Kim
Federal Judge Seeks Patent Cases, Jonas Anderson and Paul R. Gugliuzza
Natural Oligopoly Responses, Repeated Games, and Coordinated Effects in Merger Analysis: A Perspective and Research Agenda, Jonathan Baker
Oligopoly Coordination, Economic Analysis, and the Prophylactic Role of Horizontal Merger Enforcement, Jonathan Baker
Protecting and Fostering Online Platform Competition: The Role of Antitrust Law, Jonathan Baker
Taking Our Space: Service, Scholarship, and Radical Citation Practice, Priya Baskaran
Thirsty Places, Priya Baskaran
The insights, uses, and ethics of social neuroscience in anti-discrimination law, Susan Carle
Keynote Prosecutors and Race: Responsibility and Accountability, Angela J. Davis
A Tale of Two Interoperabilities; or, How Google v. Oracle Could Become Social Media Legislation, Charles Duan
Hacking Antitrust: Competition Policy and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Charles Duan
Tax consequences of nonfungible tokens (NFTs), Walter Effross; Leonard Goodman CPA, Ph.D.; Anthony Pochesci CPA; and Jay Soled LL.M.
Are We Still Not Saved? Race, Democracy, and Educational Inequality, Lia Epperson
Prosecutors, Ethics and the Pursuit of Racial Justice, Roger Fairfax