Presentations | Public Discourse | American University Washington College of Law

Faculty Presentations collects presentations given by Washington College of Law faculty and staff. These presentations may include speeches given at conferences, podcasts of summits, debates, panel discussions, workshops, and so on.


Submissions from 2010

Covering the Death of Elvis, Susan Bennett, Charles Overby, Curtis Wilkie, Angus McEachran, and Bill Rose

Policies & Tools for Ensuring Access to Scholarship: The Future of Open Access, Michael W. Carroll

Black Scholars and Sports, N. Jeremi Duru

Equal Opportunity in Coaching: Rooney Rule & Similar Minority Initiatives, N. Jeremi Duru

Moderator, “The Evolution of Civil Rights Litigation – Employment Discrimination”, N. Jeremi Duru

Moderator, “The NCAA’s Changing Landscape”, N. Jeremi Duru

Race in the Age of Obama, N. Jeremi Duru

This Field is Our Field: Foreign Players, Domestic Leagues, and the Unlawful Racial Manipulation of American Sport_Mar., 2010, N. Jeremi Duru

Commentator, Paper Presentation by Prof. David B. Wexler, "From Theory to Practice and Back Again in Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Now Comes the Hard Part", Jenny Roberts

New Scholars in Criminal Procedure, Jenny Roberts

Panel on Legal Education, Criminal Law and Procedural Law, Jenny Roberts

Proving Prejudice, Post-Padilla, Jenny Roberts

Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting, Brenda V. Smith

Building Staff and Youth Capacity to Address Sexual Violence in Custody_March 1-3, 2010, Brenda V. Smith

Clinical Law Review Writers Workshop_October 2, 2010, Brenda V. Smith

Elevating Women: Strengthening Policies & Practices to support the Needs of Justice-Involved Women in New York State, Brenda V. Smith

From Classification to Reentry: Gender, Race and Incarceration, Brenda V. Smith

Hope and Action: Food Security and Climate Change, Brenda V. Smith

Leadership Challenges in Addressing Sexual Violence Against Youth in custody, Brenda V. Smith

National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Subject Matter Expert Meeting, Brenda V. Smith

Plotting the Course – Addressing Sexual Abuse of Women in Custody in the United States, Brenda V. Smith


Roundtable on Gender, Sex and Violence in Custody, Brenda V. Smith

Strategic Impact Litigation: South African and U.S. Perspectives, Brenda V. Smith


The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Issues and Opportunities for Litigators, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: The Impact on Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith

Train the Trainers: Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody_August 1, 2010, Brenda V. Smith

Train the Trainers: Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody_May 2010, Brenda V. Smith

Dealing With Democratic Heartbreak, Robert Tsai

Dreams of White Forefathers, Robert Tsai

'One Good World': Deploying the American Experience to Undermine the Nation-State, Robert Tsai

Pioneer Constitutionalism, Robert Tsai

Submissions from 2009

Patent Law at the International Trade Commission (ITC), Jonas Anderson


Market Definition, Jonathan Baker, Lawrence White, Eduardo Perez Motta, and Joseph Simons

Concluding Conference: Establishing and Enhancing Clinical Legal Education in China, Susan Bennett

Foreclosing on the American Dream: The Housing Crisis and the Role of Lawyers and Laws in Securing Housing Justice, Susan Bennett

Privatization: Pitfall and Promise at the Intersection of Law, Markets and Poverty, Susan Bennett

Content & Control in the Cloud, Michael W. Carroll

Moderator, “Employment Discrimination and the Future of the Federal Courts”, N. Jeremi Duru

NCAA Coaches’ Contracts: Diversity and Negotiating Value in the 21st Century, N. Jeremi Duru


Panel III: Student Discipline/ Drop-Out / IMPS, N. Jeremi Duru, Theresa Glennon, Odeana Neal, and Angela Burton


Modes of Discretion in the Criminal Justice System, Roger Fairfax

Why Misdemeanors Matter, Jenny Roberts


Addressing and Responding to Sexual Abuse in Custody: A Community’s Responsibility, Brenda V. Smith

Building Staff and Youth Capacity to Address Sexual Violence in Custody_June 9-10, 2009, Brenda V. Smith

Building Staff and Youth Capacity to Address Sexual Violence in Custody_November 9, 2009, Brenda V. Smith

Building Staff and Youth Capacity to Address Sexual Violence in Custody_September 17, 2009, Brenda V. Smith

Incarceration, Women and Human Rights, Brenda V. Smith

Opening Remarks, Brenda V. Smith


Plenary Session – Teaching, Service and Scholarship: Overcoming Challenges, Realizing Opportunities, Brenda V. Smith, Danielle Holley-Walker, Kristin N. Johnson, and Rose Cuison Villazor

Author Meets Readers: Eloquence and Reason, Robert Tsai

Author Meets Readers: Eloquence and Reason, Robert Tsai

The Northwest Homeland, Robert Tsai

Two Arguments Against Tolerance, Robert Tsai

Submissions from 2008

Current Trends and Developments in International Trade Law, Padideh Ala'i

Exploring the Intersections of Religion and Governance: Past, Present and Future, Padideh Ala'i

Global Governance and the WTO: A Conversation about the Past, Present and Future of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the WTO, Padideh Ala'i

Second Annual International Trade & Investment Law Society Award Dinner, Padideh Ala'i

Trade Liberalization and the Problematic of Corruption in Pursuing Development through Trade, Padideh Ala'i

WTO as a Supra-National Regulatory Body, Padideh Ala'i


The Role of Market Definition in Unilateral Effects Analysis and in the Litigation of Unilateral Effects Cases, Jonathan Baker, Kathryn Fenton, Richard Parker, Daniel Wall, and Jeffrey Schmidt

Establishing and Enhancing Clinical Legal Education in China_Jul 28 - Aug. 2008, Susan Bennett

Long Term Affordability in Home Ownership, Susan Bennett

Reflections on Three Weeks: the ‘China Rule of Law Project: Training Clinical Teachers in China, July 16 - August 3, 2007, Susan Bennett

Remote Control? Contingencies, Risks and Rewards in Supervising Students Representing “Long Distance” Clients, Susan Bennett

Exploring the Racially Discriminatory Impact of International Player Restrictions in American Sport, N. Jeremi Duru


E-racing the Color Line in Sports, N. Jeremi Duru, Larry Catá Backer, Deborah Brake, Jacquelyn Bridgeman, Adrienne Davis, Timothy Davis, Michael McCann, Rebecca Wanzo, and Verna Williams


Integrating Comparative Criminal Law: Criminal Law and Procedure, at Home and Abroad, Roger Fairfax


Building Victim-Led Coalitions to Press for Justice Following Mass Atrocity, Diane Orentlicher

The Mythical Divide Between Direct and Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions: Involuntary Commitment of ‘Sexually Violent Predators', Jenny Roberts

Addressing & Investigating Sexual Violence in Jail Settings, Brenda V. Smith

Addressing Prison Sexual Violence, Brenda V. Smith

Bringing Human Rights Home: Building Proactive Policy to Ensure Racial and Gender Equity, Brenda V. Smith

Creating an Ethic of Power Dominance and Sex, Brenda V. Smith

Criminal Law and War Crimes Practice, Brenda V. Smith

Factors the Increase Vulnerability to Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders, Brenda V. Smith

Immigration and Clinical Legal Education, Brenda V. Smith

Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders_July 20-25, 2008, Brenda V. Smith

Meeting on Next Steps, Brenda V. Smith

PREA Community Corrections Standards: Update and Implications, Brenda V. Smith

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): An Understanding of Its Impact on the Juvenile Justice System in Texas, Brenda V. Smith

Public funding opportunity: Women Offenders Developing an Agencywide Approach, Brenda V. Smith

Responding to Inmate on Inmate Sexual Abuse, Brenda V. Smith

Status Update on Implementation of the Prison Rape Elimination Act, Brenda V. Smith

Teaching Policy and Community Based Advocacy: Assumptions, Challenges and New Ideas_May 7, 2008, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act and Civil Liability, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Overview and Update, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Overview, Update and Standards_December 10, 2008, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Overview, Update and Standards_November 17, 2008, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Overview, Update and Standards_October 23, 2008, Brenda V. Smith

Web Chat: Legal Tools for Prosecuting Sexual Violence in Institutional Settings, Brenda V. Smith

Web Chat: PREA Implications for Juvenile Justice Agencies, Brenda V. Smith

Web Chat: Sexual Victimization in Prisons: Moving Toward Elimination, Brenda V. Smith

Constitutional Borrowing, Robert Tsai

John Brown’s Constitution, Robert Tsai


Practical Equality: Forging Justice in a Divided Nation, Robert Tsai

Reconsidering Gobitis, Robert Tsai

Submissions from 2007

Low Income Earners and the Federal Tax System, Nancy Abramowitz

Pro Se Litigants in the U.S. Tax Court -- How Best to Address Their Needs, Nancy Abramowitz

"What My Organization Can Do Differently to Reduce the 'Tax Gap'?", Nancy Abramowitz

Regional Trading Alliances: The US Perspective, Padideh Ala'i