Faculty Presentations collects presentations given by Washington College of Law faculty and staff. These presentations may include speeches given at conferences, podcasts of summits, debates, panel discussions, workshops, and so on.
Submissions from 2005
Human Rights and Juvenile Detention, Brenda V. Smith
International Child Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Individuals under Correctional Supervision, Brenda V. Smith
Limited Equity Cooperative Property Tax Training, Brenda V. Smith
National Videoconference on Strategies to Address Prison Rape, Brenda V. Smith
NIC/WCL Cooperative Agreement on Addressing Prison Rape, Brenda V. Smith
Operational Practices in Women’s Prisons: Legal Issues, Brenda V. Smith
Overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act_September 28, 2005, Brenda V. Smith
Planning Meeting: Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders, Brenda V. Smith
PREA 2005 Regional Meeting for Executive Level Administrators from Adult Correctional Systems and Jail Facilities_December 1-2, 2005, Brenda V. Smith
PREA 2005 Regional Meeting for Executive Level Administrators from Adult Correctional Systems and Jail Facilities_December 8-9, 2005, Brenda V. Smith
Prison Rape Elimination Commission Advisory Committee, Brenda V. Smith
Re(Discovering) Women’s Voices in the Struggle for Political, Economic and Social Justice, Brenda V. Smith
Staff Sexual Misconduct in the Field: Breaking Professional Trust and the Law, Brenda V. Smith
The Cost of Victimization: Why our Nation Must Confront Prison Rape, Brenda V. Smith
The Impact of Human Rights Norms on Practicing Criminal Law in the United States, Brenda V. Smith
The Importance of Using International Human Rights Norms in Domestic Legal Practice, Brenda V. Smith
The Prison Rape Elimination Act: What Does it Mean for Community Corrections, Brenda V. Smith
The Prison Rape Elimination Act: What Does it Mean for Women and Girls, Brenda V. Smith
Videoconference: A Town Hall Meeting: Addressing Prison Rape, Brenda V. Smith
Videoconference on Addressing Prison Rape in Community Corrections, Brenda V. Smith
Watching You, Watching Me: Judicial Response to Cross Gender Guarding of Male and Female Inmates, Brenda V. Smith
Working Group on Integrating Gender into Legal Education in India_December 19-21, 2005, Brenda V. Smith
Submissions from 2004
Constitutional Reform in Iran, Padideh Ala'i
Developing Legal Benchmarks for Monitoring Implementations of Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements, Padideh Ala'i
Introduction of Sharia'h Law, Padideh Ala'i
Islamic Commercial Law & Finance, Padideh Ala'i
Moderated Discussion on Dual JD Programs, Padideh Ala'i
New World Legal Orders Conference, Padideh Ala'i
WTO Accession of Jordan and Russia, Padideh Ala'i
Coordinated Effects, Jonathan Baker, Michael Knight, Andrew Dick, Paul Yde, Deborah Majoras, Steven Salop, and David Scheffman
Economists and Lawyers Roundtable, Jonathan Baker, R. Hewitt Pate, William Baer, Wayne "Dale" Collins, James Loftis, James Rill, Daniel Rubinfeld, Robert Willig, and Dennis Carlton
Presenter, “Considering the Future of Title VII: From Race to Color”, N. Jeremi Duru
Presenter, “Exploring Racial Discrimination in the Sports Industry”, N. Jeremi Duru
Courts and the Election and Before the American Constitution Society, Herman Schwartz
Free Speech in the United States, Herman Schwartz
The Courts and the Elections, Herman Schwartz
Transitional Regimes, Herman Schwartz
Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders_March 7-12, 2004, Brenda V. Smith
Decarceration: The Movement to Close Adult Prisons and Juvenile Detention Facilities, Brenda V. Smith
Doing Justice to Ethics in the Classroom, Brenda V. Smith
Feminism: Is it Just a White Thing? - A Panel Discussion on Building Coalitions for Women’s Right Across Racial Boundaries, Brenda V. Smith
From Law School to Esquire: You Can Get There From Here, Brenda V. Smith
Gender and Legal Education in India Initiative, Brenda V. Smith
Having Fun with Technology, Brenda V. Smith
Human Rights and U.S. Law, Brenda V. Smith
Intimacy, Sexuality and Fertility with Specific Reference to Women Prisoners: Animating the Feminist Body, Brenda V. Smith
Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates_July 11-16, 2004, Brenda V. Smith
Legal Issues Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates and Cross Gender Supervision, Brenda V. Smith
Meeting the Needs of Women and Girls in the Justice System, Brenda V. Smith
National Videoconference Phase I: How the Prison Rape Elimination Act Affects You, Brenda V. Smith
Prisoners’ Rights, Brenda V. Smith
Thematic Table on Prison Conditions, Brenda V. Smith
The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 Response and Implementation Intensive Workshop, Brenda V. Smith
U.S. Detention Policies and Practices, Midwest Voice for Human Rights, Brenda V. Smith
Women and Prison, Brenda V. Smith
Working Group on Integrating Gender into Legal Education in India_December 6-16, 2004, Brenda V. Smith
Submissions from 2003
International Law Standards for Domestic Governance, Padideh Ala'i
Legal and Economic Integration and Globalization of the Middle East, Padideh Ala'i
Roundtable with Former Directors of the Bureau of Economics, Jonathan Baker
Most Favored Nation Clauses, Jonathan Baker; William Kopit; Thomas Overstreet; Robert McNair, Jr.; and Steven Snow
Economists' Roundtable, Jonathan Baker, Philip Nelson, Janusz Ordover, and Dennis Carlton
A New Federalism, Herman Schwartz
Jewish Lawyers in American Life, Herman Schwartz
Justice and Capital Punishment, Herman Schwartz
The Future of Civil Liberties, Herman Schwartz
The Rehnquist Court, Herman Schwartz
Access to Care: Black Women in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Addressing Sexual Misconduct in Community Corrections_June 2-4, 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates_March 9-14, 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Brown Bag Series: Integrating Gender into Legal Education in India, Brenda V. Smith
Critical Issues in Managing Women Offenders: A Policy Perspective_November 20, 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Experiential Learning Group on the Role of Prisons in the United States, Brenda V. Smith
Implications of Federal Sentencing Policy on Women and Children, Brenda V. Smith
Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates_July 13-18, 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Our Own Stories: Negotiating Reproduction in the Private Sphere, Brenda V. Smith
Politics, Prejudice and Indifference: U.S. Policy Towards Haitian Refugees, Brenda V. Smith
Preventing and Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct in Corrections, Brenda V. Smith
Re/Enfranchising the African-American Community: Engaging the Political Process, Brenda V. Smith
Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: A Modern Corollary of Slavery_April 25, 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Working Group on Integrating Gender into Legal Education in India_June 24-27, 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Workshop on the Implementation of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, Brenda V. Smith
Submissions from 2002
Legal Aspects of International Trade Series: Anti-Dumping, Subsidies and Courntervailing Measures, Padideh Ala'i
Where Do We Go From Here? New and Emerging Issues in the Prosecution of War Crimes and Acts of Terrorism: A Panel Discussion, Kenneth Anderson
Little Engines that could: Community Clients, their Lawyers, and Training in the Arts of Democracy, Susan Bennett
Commencement Speaker, Herman Schwartz
Human Rights, Herman Schwartz
Lectures on Free Speech, Herman Schwartz
Socio-Economic Rights, Herman Schwartz
AALS Equal Justice Project, Pursuing Equal Justice: Law Schools and the Provision of Legal Services, Brenda V. Smith
Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates_March 10-15, 2002, Brenda V. Smith
Battering and Forgiveness, Brenda V. Smith
Battering, Forgiveness and Redemption_November 22, 2002, Brenda V. Smith
Critical Issues in Managing Women Offenders: A Policy Perspective_September 8-11, 2002, Brenda V. Smith
Family Unfriendly: The Impact of Criminal Justice Policies on Women Offenders and Children, Brenda V. Smith
Intimacy, Sexuality and Fertility, Brenda V. Smith
Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates_July 7-12, 2002, Brenda V. Smith
Legal Ethics and Law Students, Brenda V. Smith