Presentations | Public Discourse | American University Washington College of Law

Faculty Presentations collects presentations given by Washington College of Law faculty and staff. These presentations may include speeches given at conferences, podcasts of summits, debates, panel discussions, workshops, and so on.


Submissions from 2007

WTO Reform, Padideh Ala'i


Competition and Prosperity: Prices, Progress, and Politics, Jonathan Baker

Affordable Housing Development for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, Susan Bennett

Bellow Scholar Project Research Workshop, Susan Bennett

Constructing the Social Impact Statement to Measure the Full Cost of Urban Renewal, Susan Bennett

Constructing the Social Impact Statement to Measure the Full Cost of Urban Renewal_October 20, 2007, Susan Bennett

Establishing and Enhancing Clinical Legal Education in China_Jul 16 - Aug 3, 2007, Susan Bennett

Faculty and Full Day Consultation on Developing Transactional Law Clinics, Susan Bennett

Interschool Junior Faculty Workshop on Poverty Law, Susan Bennett

Interviewing and Establishing the Client-Lawyer Relationship, Susan Bennett

Janet R. Spragens Memorial Symposium on Low Income Earners and the Tax System, Susan Bennett

What is the Place of Poverty Law in the Law School Curriculum?, Susan Bennett

Musicians in Copyright's Federated Domain, Michael W. Carroll

Co-Convenor, Survivor Series Symposium: Terror in Tulsa, N. Jeremi Duru

Presenter, Book chapter of “Professional Equality: The Rooney Rule” from the book "Reversing Field: Examining Commercialization, Labor and Race in 21st Century Sports Law", N. Jeremi Duru


Presenter, “The BCA and The NCAA: How Title VII May Level the Playing Field in the Collegiate Coaching Ranks”, N. Jeremi Duru


Private: ACS Hosts Panel on "Super Bowl XLI, The 'Rooney Rule' and Diversity in NFL Hiring Practices", N. Jeremi Duru, Ray Anderson, Cyrus Mehri, Len Shapiro, and Kellen Winslow

Lincoln and God, Herman Schwartz

Supreme Court 2006-7, 2007-08, Herman Schwartz


Addressing Sexual Violence Against Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith

Behind Bars: The Impact of Incarceration on Women and Their Families, Brenda V. Smith

Community Corrections Guidance on the Prison Rape Elimination Act Working Group Meeting, Brenda V. Smith

Democracy: Local, National and International, Forum ’07: Build a Current Together, Brenda V. Smith

Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders_July 15-20, 2007, Brenda V. Smith

Legal Issues Affecting Women Offenders: Agency Approach to Working with Women Offenders, Brenda V. Smith

Medical and Mental Health Confidentiality in Correctional Settings: Health Care Meeting, Brenda V. Smith

Meeting for Second Year Tenure Track Professors, Brenda V. Smith

National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Advisory Board Meeting, Brenda V. Smith

New Clinicians, Brenda V. Smith

Overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act_February 23, 2007, Brenda V. Smith

Responding to Inmate-Inmate Sexual Violence, Brenda V. Smith

Teaching Policy and Community Based Advocacy: Assumptions, Challenges and New Ideas_May 5, 2007, Brenda V. Smith

The Implications of the Prison Rape Elimination Act for Compliance and Legal Liability, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003: What Law Enforcement and Correctional Leaders Need to Know, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: The Implications for Women and Girls, Brenda V. Smith

Web Chat: Cross Gender Supervision: Legal Liability for Correctional Agency Administrators, Brenda V. Smith

National Workshop on Juvenile Self-Report of Sexual Assault Victimization, Brenda V. Smith, Allen J. Beck Ph.D., Paige M. Harrison, and Devon B. Adams


Special Topics in Preventing and Responding to Prison Rape: Medical and Mental Healthcare, Community Corrections Settings and Oversight, Brenda V. Smith, Theodis Beck, and Michele Deitch


Lockups, Native American Detention Facilities, and Conditions in Texas Penal and Youth Institutions, Brenda V. Smith, Reggie Walton, John Kaneb, James Aiken, Jamie Fellner, Pat Nolan, and Kathy Hall-Martinez

Submissions from 2006

Interrelationships: International Economic Law and Developing Countries, Padideh Ala'i


Understanding Single-Firm Behavior: Empirical Perspectives Session, Jonathan Baker, Luke Froeb, Robert Marshall, Wally Mullin, David Reitman, F. Michael Scherer, and Clifford Winston

Insuring Access to Housing for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, Susan Bennett

Project on Clinical Legal Education in China, Susan Bennett

Symposium on Poverty Under International and Domestic Law: The Responsibility of Lawyers, Susan Bennett

Moderator, “Individual Players’ Rights and the NBA: Regulating the Dress Code and DNA Testing”, N. Jeremi Duru

Presenter, “Emerging Legal Issues in Race and Class Inequality: Considering the Sports Context”, N. Jeremi Duru

Presenter, “The Fritz Pollard Alliance, the National Football League, and the Quest for a Level Playing Field”, N. Jeremi Duru

Roundtable Discussant, “Inclusion in the Business of Sports”, N. Jeremi Duru

Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders_March 12-17, 2006, Brenda V. Smith

Autonomy Rethinking Prison Sex, Brenda V. Smith

Candidates’ Workshop Program, Brenda V. Smith

Elimination of Prison Rape: Focus on Juveniles, Brenda V. Smith

Elimination of Prison Rape: The Corrections Perspective, Brenda V. Smith

Focus Group on Developing a Curriculum on Addressing Inmate on Inmate Rape, Brenda V. Smith

Focus Group on Developing a Curriculum on Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody_June 2, 2006, Brenda V. Smith

Focus Group on Developing a Curriculum on Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody_March 20, 2006, Brenda V. Smith

Improving Prosecutions of Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Correctional Settings Federal Prosecutors, Brenda V. Smith

Improving Prosecutions of Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Correctional Settings State Prosecutors, Brenda V. Smith

Institute of Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Persons Under Supervision, Brenda V. Smith

Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Federal Prisoners, Brenda V. Smith

Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders_July 9-14, 2006, Brenda V. Smith

Juvenile Videoconference - Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith

Juvenile Video Review, Brenda V. Smith

Legal and Policy Issues in Addressing Prison Rape: Understanding the Impact ... Prison Rape Elimination Act, Brenda V. Smith

Legal Considerations in Addressing Allegations of Prison Rape - The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Investigating Sexual Assault Allegations in Institutional Settings, Brenda V. Smith

Legal Issues Affecting Women Offenders - Working with Women Offenders: Implications for Administrators, Managers and Supervisors, Brenda V. Smith

Presenting the National Inmate Survey, Brenda V. Smith

Preventing Lawyer Misconduct: What the Disciplinary System, Law Schools and the Bar can do to Promote Ethical Practice, Brenda V. Smith

Prison and Punishment, Brenda V. Smith

Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003: Presenting the National Inmate Survey, Brenda V. Smith

Reporting, Investigating, and Prosecuting Prison Rape: What Is Needed to Make the Process Work?, Brenda V. Smith


Representing Youth under the Prison Rape Elimination Act, Brenda V. Smith

Restorative Justice Reconceived, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act: Impact on Juvenile Corrections, Brenda V. Smith

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): Creating Safe Correctional Environments through the Elimination of Sexual Assault, Brenda V. Smith

Women in Prison: Behind Bars and Beyond Justice?, Brenda V. Smith

Women Offenders: Developing an Agency-wide Approach, Brenda V. Smith

Working with Women Offenders: Legal Issues in Working with Women Offenders, Brenda V. Smith


Prison Rape Elimination Act: Implications for Sheriffs: The Facts, Brenda V. Smith, Susan McCampbell, Pam Cole, and Margo Frasier

Submissions from 2005

NAFTA and Reginal Integration Specialization, Padideh Ala'i

Trade as Guarantor of Peace, Liberty and Security?, Padideh Ala'i

Evaluating Students and Evaluating Outputs, Susan Bennett

Law School Clinics and Training in Issues of Linguistic Diversity, Susan Bennett

Panel on Language Access, Susan Bennett

Service to Clients Having Limited English Proficiency, Susan Bennett

The Community Lawyer: Enhancer of Social Capital, Manager of Structural Holes, Susan Bennett

Presenter, “42 U.S.C § 1981, Negro League Baseball and Beyond”, N. Jeremi Duru

Judicial Nominations, Herman Schwartz

Accepted Applicants Day, Brenda V. Smith

Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders_March 7-12, 2005, Brenda V. Smith

Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith

At Risk: Sexual Abuse and Vulnerable Groups Behind Bar, Brenda V. Smith

Clinical Legal Education: First Annual South Asian Conference of Law Teachers, Brenda V. Smith

Critical Issues in Managing Women Offenders_January 20, 2005, Brenda V. Smith

Elizabeth Payne Cubberly Scholar Award to Professor Darren Hutchinson, Brenda V. Smith

Expert Panel Meetings: Workshop on Inmate Self-Report of Sexual Assault Victimization, Brenda V. Smith

Faculty Host: Ritsumeikan University Law School, Brenda V. Smith

Faculty Host: University of Ottawa - Women, Crime and Law - Battered women who kill: A Comparative Perspective, Brenda V. Smith

From Law School to Esquire: You Can Get There from Here, Part II., Brenda V. Smith

Gender and Legal Education in India, Brenda V. Smith