Faculty Presentations collects presentations given by Washington College of Law faculty and staff. These presentations may include speeches given at conferences, podcasts of summits, debates, panel discussions, workshops, and so on.
Submissions from 2012
Shaping Legislation: The Federal Circuit’s Emerging Dialogic Relationship with Congress, Jonas Anderson
Top Twenty Cases for the FDA in 2012, Jonas Anderson
From de novo Review to Informal Deference: An Empirical Examination of Patent Claim Construction, Jonas Anderson and Peter Menell
Future Weapons, Past Laws, Kenneth Anderson, Oren Gross, Ashley Deeks, and Gregory McNeal
Ten Years after 9/11: The Changing Terrorist Threat, Kenneth Anderson, Michael LEITER, John Carlin, Ivan Fong, Daniel Marcus, and Stephen Vladeck
Competitive Harm from MFNs: Economic Theories, Jonathan Baker
Telecommunications: Communications Law Reform, Jonathan Baker, Robert McDowell, Ajit Pai, Daniel Crane, Maureen Ohlhausen, and Jennifer Elrod
Chair’s Showcase Session: Competition in the Context of Financial Crisis, Jonathan Baker, Richard Steuer, Spencer Waller, Frédéric Jenny, Susan Schwab, Carl Shapiro, Joseph Stiglitz, and Philip Weiser
Challenges in the Ethics of Multiple Representation, Susan Bennett
Community, Collaboration and Narrative: A Workshop at the Intersection of Scholarship, Teaching and Practice, Susan Bennett
Under Milkweed: A Chronicle for a Pedagogy of Community Economic Development Law and Community Lawyering, Susan Bennett
Digital Preservation and Copyright: Open Licenses, Michael W. Carroll
Discovery Tools at the Pence Law Library, Christine K. Dulaney
Technical Services by the Seat of Your Pants, Christine K. Dulaney
A Conversation on NFL Diversity and Social Cohesion Initiatives, N. Jeremi Duru
Race, Reformation, and the Quest for Equal Coaching Opportunity in Professional Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
Subconscious Discrimination in Sports Industry Hiring, N. Jeremi Duru
Varsity Blues: The Gift & the Curse of the College Athlete, N. Jeremi Duru
What Use Are Legal Academics?, Roger Fairfax
WCL Faculty Colloquium: Professor Carol Steiker, Proportionality as a Limit on Preventive Justice: Promises and Pitfalls, Jenny Roberts
Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Attendee, Brenda V. Smith
Clinical Law Review Writers Workshop_September 29, 2012, Brenda V. Smith
Clinical Program Recruitment Meeting, Brenda V. Smith
Experiential Opportunities, Brenda V. Smith
Female Corrections Workers and their Sexual Interactions with Men and Boys in Custody: Data, Discussion and Strategies, Brenda V. Smith
Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia Circuit's Science and the Law program, Brenda V. Smith
Leading Communities in the 21st Century: Building Resilience, Transformation, and Transcendence, Brenda V. Smith
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Offenders Planning Session, Brenda V. Smith
Navigating the Academy_June 20-21, 2012, Brenda V. Smith
Navigating the Academy_June 21, 2012, Brenda V. Smith
Opening Closed Doors: Addressing Legal Barriers to Reentry, Meeting the Reentry Needs of Women, Policies Programs and Practice, Brenda V. Smith
Overview of Substantive and Administrative Issues, Brenda V. Smith
Plenary Session: Scholarship, Brenda V. Smith
PREA 101 for Adult Prisons, Brenda V. Smith
PREA 101 for Community Corrections Agencies, Brenda V. Smith
PREA 101 for Juvenile Justice Agencies, Brenda V. Smith
Socio-legal Conversations across a Sea of Islands - Care and Autonomy in the Age of Austerity 04 Sexual Violence: Race, Borders, and ‘Post-Feminism’ 2118, Brenda V. Smith
The Impact of Criminal Justice Policies on Minority Communities: The Economic Impact of Incarceration, Brenda V. Smith
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA): Important Protections for Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
The Role of Transactional Clinics in Addressing the Impact of the Punitive State, Brenda V. Smith
Uncomfortable places, close spaces : female correctional workers' sexual interactions with men and boys in custody_January 28-29, 2012, Brenda V. Smith
Uncomfortable Places, Close Spaces: Female Correctional Workers' Sexual Interactions With Men and Boys in Custody_UCLA law review Symposium, Brenda V. Smith
Uncomfortable Places, Close Spaces: Theorizing Female Correctional Officers’ Sexual Interactions with Men and Boys in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Workshop for New Clinical Law School Teacher, Brenda V. Smith
The Impact of Criminal Justice Policies on Minority Communities, Brenda V. Smith, Mercer Givhan, Richard Buery, Matthew Klein, Dennis Parker, Michael Pinard, and Erika Wood
Discussion Group: Educating Social Justice Lawyers, Brenda V. Smith, Jayesh Rathod, Marisa Cianciarulo, Rachel Camp, Christine Zuni Cruz, Margaret Drew, Luz Herrera, Chaumtoli Huq, Gowri Krishna, Jaime Lee, Anjana Malhotra, Mae Quinn, Sarah Rogerson, and Dan Smulian
Fiction as Dissent: Simple Takes on the Supreme Court, Robert Tsai
Submissions from 2011
Do Patents Promote Innovation?, Jonas Anderson
The Market for Patent Litigation, Jonas Anderson
United States Patent Law, Jonas Anderson
Patent Claim Construction Database Project: Federal Circuit 2000-2010, Jonas Anderson and Peter Menell
FCC's Net Neutrality Decision, Jonathan Baker, Jeffrey Campbell, James Cicconi, Randolph May, Joseph Waz Jr., and Christopher Yoo
Foreclosure Outreach and Organizing: Lawyers and Community Organizations Partner to Empower Clients, Susan Bennett
How Multiple Cooks Make Broth: Decision Making and Organizational Clients, Susan Bennett
Community Economic Development Law: A Text for Engaged Learning, Susan Bennett, Brenda Blom, Louise Howells, and Deborah Kenn
The City as Protagonist, the Professor as Archaeologist: Five Years of Excavating the Chronicle of Milkweed Park, Susan Bennett and Louise Howells
Experiences from the Field: Choosing a Discovery Tool for YOUR Unique Library, Christine K. Dulaney, Jennifer Castaldo, Tom Klingler, Doralyn Rossman, and Laura Wrubel
Advancing the Ball: Race, Reformation, and the Quest for Equal Coaching Opportunity in the NFL_Georgetown University, N. Jeremi Duru
Advancing the Ball: Race, Reformation, and the Quest for Equal Coaching Opportunity in the NFL_US EEOC, N. Jeremi Duru
Black Sports Scholars Network, N. Jeremi Duru
Does Race Still Matter?: Access to Administrative and Coaching Opportunities in Intercollegiate Athletics, N. Jeremi Duru
Legal and Diversity Issues in Coaching Professional Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
Presenter, “Advancing the Ball: Race, Reformation, and the Quest for Equal Coaching Opportunity in the NFL”, N. Jeremi Duru
Race and the National Football League: The Rooney Rule and Beyond, N. Jeremi Duru
Sports and Employment Law: An Examination of NFL Hiring Processes for General Managers and Coaches, N. Jeremi Duru
The Intersection of Sports and Business in Today’s Legal Arena, N. Jeremi Duru
Advancing the Ball: Race, Reformation, and the Quest for Equal Coaching Opportunity in the NFL, N. Jeremi Duru and Tony Dungy
Overcriminalization: Is There a Problem to Solve?, Roger Fairfax
Commentator, Paper Presentation by Prof. Fuchino, "The Japanese Pretrial Conference: Does it Infringe on the Presumption of Innocence?", Jenny Roberts
Plea Bargaining, Jenny Roberts
Promoting Rule of Law and Judicial Reform: A Regional Project for the Near East, Jenny Roberts
Abuse of Youth in Custody: Youth Curriculum Meeting_April 18, 2011, Brenda V. Smith
Abuse of Youth in Custody: Youth Curriculum Meeting_May 25, 2011, Brenda V. Smith
Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody: Youth Curriculum Meeting, Brenda V. Smith
Briefing Meeting for the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its causes and consequences, Brenda V. Smith
Clinical Directors Workshop, Brenda V. Smith
Conference on Family and the Law, Brenda V. Smith
Joint Conference on the Future of the Law School Curriculum, Brenda V. Smith
PREA Resource Center Start Up Meeting: Training and Technical Assistance, Brenda V. Smith
Subject Matter Expert Meeting: Policy Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Individuals under Custodial Supervision, Brenda V. Smith
Uncomfortable Spaces – Female Correctional Staff and Sex in the Workplace, Brenda V. Smith
Preventing & Addressing Sexual Abuse in Tribal Detention Facilities: A Policy development guide, Brenda V. Smith, Carrie Abner, Carl Wicklund, Lisa Ginter, John R. Higgins, Julius Dupree, Bonnie Clairmont, Delores Greyeyes, Rominia Martin, Susan McCampbell, Jeff Smith, Randy Tracy, Elizabeth Layman, Frank Hecht, Darwin Long, Andie Moss, Jaime Yarussi, Dee Halley, Carl Wicklund, Matthew DeMichele, and Gary Dennis
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): Considerations for Policy Review, Brenda V. Smith, A.T. Wall, Susan McCampbell, Madie LaMarre, Gary Dennis, Ania Drobrzanska, Bob Dumond, Jeff Shorba, Mara Dodson, Andie Moss, Donna Deutsch, Rachel Bosley, Morris Thigpen, and Dee Halley
Faculty Workshop: Two Alternative Republics, Robert Tsai
First Amendment and Fallen Heroes: The Unpleasant Case of Snyder v. Phelps, Robert Tsai
Forms of Popular Sovereignty, Robert Tsai
Lessons from the Indian Stream Republic, Robert Tsai
Non-Territorial Forms of American Sovereignty, Robert Tsai
When We Talk About War, Robert Tsai
Why Study Failed Constitutions? John Brown’s Vision for America, Robert Tsai
Submissions from 2010
Secret Inventions, Jonas Anderson
Secret Inventions, Infringement Liability, and Bilski, Jonas Anderson
Creating Change In and Through the Core Classroom Curriculum, Susan Bennett
Lawyering for Community, Susan Bennett