Faculty Presentations collects presentations given by Washington College of Law faculty and staff. These presentations may include speeches given at conferences, podcasts of summits, debates, panel discussions, workshops, and so on.
Submissions from 2020
WCL Faculty Speaks: Migration Law and Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Janie A. Chuang, Jayesh Rathod, and Anita Sinha
Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
Exploring Anti-Racist Athlete Activism, N. Jeremi Duru
Influential Athletes Using their Platform for Social Justice and Racial Equality, N. Jeremi Duru
Jim Rooney, Pittsburgh Steelers & N. Jeremi Duru, Fritz Pollard Alliance and American University, N. Jeremi Duru
Panelist, Champions of Change, N. Jeremi Duru
Panelist, Leveling the Playing Field: Why Black Head Coaches Are Underrepresented in Football, N. Jeremi Duru
Panelist, Sports and Social Impact: Athlete Activism, Diversity, Inclusion, and Agents of Change, N. Jeremi Duru
Presenter, Exploring Anti-Racist Athlete Activism, N. Jeremi Duru
Presenter, Racism, Social Injustices, and Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
Presenter, Sport as a Tool to Change Society, N. Jeremi Duru
Prominent Issues in Professional Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
The Rooney Rule and Collegiate Athletics, N. Jeremi Duru
The Rooney Rule, Race, and Access in Athletics: A Fireside Chat, N. Jeremi Duru
Student Athlete to Ca$hlete, N. Jeremi Duru, Perry Baker, Nathaniel Hemingway, Tabetha Plummer, and Naima Stevenson
Technology, Health, Trust and Social Justice in the NFL, N. Jeremi Duru, Joe Briggs, Damarius Bilbo, and Ben Standing
Race in Sports: Professional Coaches & Equality, N. Jeremi Duru, Rod Graves, and Raj Kudchadkar
The NFL's Rooney Rule, and its practical application to higher education and intercollegiate athletics, N. Jeremi Duru and Jim Rooney
Plenary – From Play to Platform: Civil Rights and Social Justice Issues and Responsibilities in Sports, N. Jeremi Duru, Jim Rooney, and Terri Jackson
Breonna's Life Mattered A Discussion of the Grand Jury Investigation Into the Killing of Breonna Taylor, Roger Fairfax
The Private Role in Criminal Justice, Roger Fairfax
When They See Us: Exploring the Causes and Impact of Wrongful Convictions and Accusations of Youth of Color, Roger Fairfax
Angela J. Davis with Kris Henning and Roger Fairfax, "Policing the Black Man", Roger Fairfax and Angela J. Davis
IP, Technology, & Social Justice in the Time of Coronavirus, Christine Farley
Women in IP Law (Fireside Chat on Women in IP Law), Christine Farley
The Trademark Year in Review (The IP Year in Review: Patent Law, Trademark Law and Right of Publicity, Copyright Law), Christine Farley, Dennis D. Crouch, David Nimmer, and Jef Pearlman
Conference on "Constitutional Reform in Chile", Claudio Grossman
Experts in Transition and Human Rights: "The Objective of The Transition is to Recover a Country Where We All Fit", Claudio Grossman
Pandemics and International Law, Claudio Grossman
Recipient of Goler T. Butcher Medal for Outstanding Contributions to the Development or Effective Realization of International Human Rights, Claudio Grossman
Recipient of Louis B. Sohn Award, 2020 UNA-NCA Human Rights Awards Ceremony, Claudio Grossman
WCL Faculty Speaks: States of Emergency in International Law and the Current Pandemic, Claudio Grossman, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr., and Robert K. Goldman
International Law Expert Discusses Historic Bolivian-Chilean Maritime Case, Claudio Grossman and Catharine Skipp
WCL Faculty Speaks: Virtual Currency, Heather Hughes and Hilary J. Allen
“Defund the Police? Mapping a Reform Agenda,” presented by the Program on Law and Government, Cynthia E. Jones and Brenda Smith
Reproductive Rights and Justice Stories: From Roe v. Wade to Young v. UPS, Maya Manian
How to work with the CJEU’s archives as an EU lawyer, Fernanda Nicola
How to work with the CJEU’s archives as an EU lawyer, Fernanda Nicola
Panelist, Advancing Inclusion in Copyright and Register Barbara Ringer’s Legacy, Victoria Phillips
Faith and the Call to Address Social, Gender, Racial and Economic Inequality, Brenda V. Smith
Defund the Police? Mapping a Reform Agenda, Brenda V. Smith, Roy Austin, Cynthia E. Jones, and Fernando Laguarda
Women & LGBTQ+ Populations in Confinement, Brenda V. Smith, Dr. LaShonda Brenson, Michelle Bonner, Jamie Rodriguez, and Whit Washington
WCL Faculty Speaks: COVID-19 and Public Health Law, Lindsay F. Wiley
Submissions from 2019
Combatting Sexual & Gender-Based Violence in Syria: How Can We Play a Role?, Padideh Ala'i
International Dispute Resolution Involving States: Key Decision in 2018, Padideh Ala'i
Symposium on “Artificial Intelligence and the Law”, Padideh Ala'i
Symposium on "International Trade in the Trump Era", Padideh Ala'i
Current Status of Regulatory Sandboxes and Regulations for New Technology Growth in the United States, Hilary Allen
Designing Regulatory Sandboxes, Hilary Allen
Driverless Finance, Hilary Allen
Regulatory Sandboxes, Hilary Allen
Regulatory Sandboxes_March 8, 2019, Hilary Allen
The Borders of Sandboxes, Hilary Allen
The Financial Stability Implications of Cryptoassets, Hilary Allen
Voluntary Disruptions: Author Meets Reader Session, Hilary Allen
A Court Like Any Other?: Evidence from the Federal Circuit’s Non-Patent Docket, Jonas Anderson
PatCon 9: The Annual Patent Conference (Kansas Law), Jonas Anderson
The Realpolitik of IP, Jonas Anderson
The Value of "Worthless" Patents, Jonas Anderson
The Value of “Worthless” Surgical Method Patents, Jonas Anderson
Coaching Diversity in Professional Sports, N. Jeremi Duru
Panelist, “When They See Us: The System", N. Jeremi Duru
Player Representation: Agents and Attorneys, N. Jeremi Duru
Sports Technology, Analytics, Fantasy, Mobile, eSports & Virtual Reality: What’s next in an Explosive Landscape, N. Jeremi Duru
When They See Us - Conversation Three: The System, N. Jeremi Duru
The Emerging Nexus Between Sport, Race, and Social Justice Activism, N. Jeremi Duru, Roger Fairfax, and Cara Drinan
The Inescapable Intersection of Race, Law, and Sports: Perspectives from the Field, N. Jeremi Duru, Michele Roberts, Woodie Dixon, and Jeff Whitney
The Emerging Nexus Between Sport, Race, and Social Justice Activism, Roger Fairfax
Criminal Justice Reform in the 21st Century: The Path Forward, Brenda V. Smith
Mock Law Class: Civil Rights Law, Brenda V. Smith
PREA: Why it Matters, Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going, Brenda V. Smith
Promise and Peril: PREA's Efforts to Regulate an End to Prison Rape_April 3, 2019, Brenda V. Smith
Sexual Victimization of Women in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Strategies to Combat U.S. Solitary Confinement: Litigation, Legislation, and Regulation, Brenda V. Smith
Opening Plenary Keynote Luncheon, Brenda V. Smith; Sylvia Mathews Burwell; Khizr Khan, Esq.; Louis Caldera; Jerry Kang; Camille Nelson; and Susan Carle
Panel 9F: Balancing Scholarship, Teaching and Service to Succeed on the Tenure Track – A Workshop for Pretenure Colleagues and Faculty Aspirants, Brenda V. Smith, José Gabilondo, Danielle Holley-Walker Howard University, Kristin N. Johnson, and Rose Cuison Villazor Rutgers University
Welcoming remarks: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet’s presentation, “Challenges to the Protection of Human Rights in the 21st Century and the Role of the United Nations”, Brenda V. Smith and Claudio Grossman
Welcoming Remarks - Conversation with Former Judge of the International Court of Justice: Professor Thomas Buergenthal, Brenda V. Smith, Claudio Grossman, and Padideh Ala’i
Panel 1: Prison Reform in the United States and Abroad, Brenda V. Smith, William Hellerstein, Deborah LaBelle, and Juan E. Mendez
Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can, Brenda V. Smith, Katie Kronick, Jayesh Rathod, Nancy Abramowitz, and Zuberi Williams
WIPs/TIPs SESSION 1 (C1) Colloquium C1A: WIP Grouping - Property & Development: Commenting on Omari Simmons (Wake Forest)'s "Urban Removal: Reshaping Urban Landscapes Through a Responsive Communitarian Lens", Brenda V. Smith and Omari Simmons
Submissions from 2018
Conference on Empowering Citizenship: “Empowering Citizenship in Our Shared Digital Future”, Padideh Ala'i
The 20th Annual Grotius Lecture - "International Adjudication: Peaks, Valleys, and Rolling Hills”, Padideh Ala'i
“Transparency and its Limits”, Transparency and Society – Between Promise and Peril, Padideh Ala'i
US Trade Policy Panel on “WTO Participation and Potential Violation”, Padideh Ala'i
Algorithms and Financial Institution Culture, Hilary Allen
A US Regulatory Sandbox?_May 26, 2018, Hilary Allen
Corporate Innovation and Regulation, Hilary Allen
Discussion Group: A New Era for Business Regulation, Hilary Allen
Financial Crisis and Regulatory Frameworks, Hilary Allen
Fintech and Financial Stability, Hilary Allen
Principles of Financial Regulation, Hilary Allen
Seminar on Law and Theory Relating to the 2008 Financial Crisis, Hilary Allen
The Current State of Play in Financial Services Regulation, Hilary Allen
The SEC as Financial Stability Regulator_January 5, 2018, Hilary Allen
User Innovation and Patent Law, Jonas Anderson
Competition Policy, Market Power, and Inequality, Jonathan Baker
DOJ v. AT&T: Discussion and Preview of Key Arguments at Trial, Jonathan Baker
Welcome and Introductory Remarks, Jonathan Baker