Content Posted in 2024
2022 National Lawyers Convention The Current State of the Legal Profession, Christine Haight Farley
2023 APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting Digital Assets, Hilary J. Allen
2024 Immigration Law Teachers & Scholars Workshop, Anita Sinha
Access to Education: Protecting Students with Disabilities by Decriminalizing Behavior, Maria Jardeleza
Accidental Corporate Social Norms, David Kwok
Achieving Effective Procurement During a Global Crisis: A Study of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement and the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement, Dmitri Goubarkov
A Comparative Analysis of Domestic and International Legislation on Combating International Bribery and Corruption, Jose W. Alvarez
A Copyright-Relevant Primer on Generative Artificial Intelligence, Michael W. Carroll and Charles Duan
A Dam Over Troubled Waters? The Obligation to Negotiate In Good Faith in Annex "C" of the Treaty of Itaipu, Rene Figueredo Corrales
A Diversity of Adequacy: The European Commission's 11-Country Adequacy Review, Lauren Macievic
Advancing Diversity in College Admissions: What Comes Next, Lia Epperson
Advancing the Due Process Right to Appointed Counsel In Immigration Removal Proceedings, Chloe Schalit
Advocating for Equality: Restoring Same-Sex Marriage Recognition in Bermuda, Coleman Watts
A Fourth Amendment Pathfinder: Stop-and-Frisk and Race, Emily Pratt
A Guide to Federal Agency Adjudication, Third Edition, Jeffrey Lubbers
A Health Justice Approach to Abortion, Maya Manian
AI Meets Copyright: Understanding New York Times v. Open AI, Charles Duan
A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action: How American Unwillingness To Escalate Emboldens Mexico’s Populist Ambitions, David Montero
American Bar Association Business Law Section Working Group, David Snyder
Amnesty Laws in Modern Peace Agreements: An Analysis of the Northern Ireland Legacy Act Under International Law, McKenzie Gallagher
An Affirmative Approach to the Supreme Court's Major Questions Doctrine & Chevron Skepticism, Brandon Weiss
An Icy Invasion: Russia's Seizure of the Norwegian Waters in the Arctic, Margaret Turchinski
Anti-Abortion Statutes As Religious Beliefs, Scott DeVito
A Peek Behind the Scenes at the Making of Three Decades of Supreme Court Copyright Decisions, Jonathan Band
A Perilous Senate Hearing on Bill to Sanction the International Criminal Court, Rebecca Hamilton and Ryan Goodman
A Right to Republish: Redesigning Copyright Law for Research Works, Faith O. Majekolagbe
Author Remuneration in the Streaming Age – Exploitation Rights and Fair Remuneration Rules in the EU, Martin Senftleben and Elena Izyumenko
Barriers Beyond the Border: Addressing the Economic and Racial Disparities Created by CBP One, Ann-Renee Rubia
BBC News: SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decisions, Lia Epperson
Briefing Note: 45th Meeting of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, Sean Flynn
Brief of 20 Professors of Law and Public Knowledge as Amici Curiae in Support of Affirmance, Charles Duan and Rachel Bamberger
Building a Stronger Foundation: Goal Setting and Design Strategies for Clinical Fellowship Programs, Miriam Aida Hinds
Building a Text and Data Mining Limitation: The Brazilian Case, Luca Schirru, Allan Rocha de Souza, and Claudia Chamas
Building on Teaching Critical Legal Research with Law Librarians, Priya Baskaran
Businesses Beware: The Changing Face of Attorney-Fee Awards in U.S. Courts, Aaron Bartholomew and Sharon Yamen
But for Borders: The Protection Gap for Internally Displaced Persons, Anita Sinha
Can the Wagner Group Be Prosecuted Post-Prigozhin? Exploring the Viability of War Crimes Trials for Russia’s Irregular Forces, Susana L. SaCouto, Candace Rondeaux, Natalie Coburn, and Narisara Murray
CAPP Policy Plenary Lecture: Lia Epperson, Lia Epperson
Cardozo AELJ’s Spring 2024 Symposium Explores the Implications of the Warhol and Bad Spaniels Decisions on Copyright and Trademark Law, Christine Haight Farley and Michael W. Carroll
Centering the People’s Voice in Teaching and Learning First-Year Criminal Law, Fareed Nassor Hayat
Challenging the Johnson Amendment: What SAFE SPACE Gets Right - and Wrong, Benjamin Leff
Child Privacy in the Digital Era: Is COPPA Enough?, Melannie Sandoval
China's Violation of Refugee Rights: Repatriation of North Korean Refugees, Ellery Saluck
Claudio Grossman Receives Prestigious Human Rights Award, Claudio Grossman
Codifying Prior Informed Consent to Govern Unregistered Pesticide Export, William Snape III
Codifying Prior Informed Consent to Govern Unregistered Pesticide Export, William Snape
Conference On Sea Level Rise and International Law: Assessing Its Impacts on The Americas Opening Speech, Claudio Grossman
Constructing Solutions: Addressing Liability and Ownership Risks Associated with Business Information Modeling, Connor Sheehy
Contemporary Tribal Lawyering & Legal Ethics, Murphy Yanbing Chen
Content & Control in the Cloud, Michael W. Carroll
Content Moderation and the Least Cost Avoider, Paul Rosenzweig
Content Moderation on End-to-End Encrypted Systems: A Legal Analysis, Charles Duan and James Grimmelmann
Copyright and COVID, Sean Flynn
Copyright and Generative AI, Michael W. Carroll and Charles Duan
Copyright and Research in Latin America: Law, Courts, and Perceptions, Mariana G. Valente, Alice P. Lana, and André P. Houang
Corporate Landlords, Brandon Weiss
Criminalizing Ecocide, Rebecca Hamilton
Criminalizing Transgender Care, Lewis A. Grossman
Criminalizing Transgender Care, Lewis Grossman
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: A Human Rights-Based Argument for Extending the Eighth Amendment to Capital Punishment Methods, Brittany Walker
Cultural Appropriation in Design, Christine Haight Farley
D.C. Bar IP Community Honors Professor Victoria Phillips and Judge Pauline Newman, Victoria F. Phillips and Jeremy Conrad
Decolonizing Clinical Pedagogy: Supervision Sessions, Anita Sinha
Deconstructing Burglary, Ira P. Robbins
Deconstructing Concepts About Nature: An Alternative Perspective for Ecofeminism Based on the Rights of Nature, Leslie Terrones
“Defund the Police? Mapping a Reform Agenda,” presented by the Program on Law and Government, Cynthia E. Jones and Brenda Smith
Destruction and Discrimination: How France Violated the Fundamental Rights of Irregular Migrant Children in Mayotte, Molly E. Smith
Developments at the United Nations International Law Commission on Sea-Level Rise, Claudio Grossman Guiloff
Developments at the United Nations International Law Commission on Sea-Level Rise, Claudio Grossman
Digital Bank Holidays, Hilary J. Allen
Digital Bank Holidays: Buying Time in a Financial Emergency, Hilary J. Allen
Digital Preservation and Copyright: Open Licenses, Michael W. Carroll
Digital Rummaging, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Discussant Commentary on the Twenty-Sixth Annual Grotius Lecture, Julian Aguon
Do NDCs Submitted by the Parties Under the Paris Agreement Imply Binding Commitments? A Legal Analysis, Sharaban Tahura Zaman
Do Trademarks Reduce Search Costs in the Age of Information, Christine Haight Farley
Editor's Note, Shade Streeter and Reagan Ferris
Educating Deal Lawyers for the Digital Age, Heather Hughes
Elaborating a Human Rights friendly Copyright Framework for Generative AI, Christophe Geiger
El Repudio y la Aversión a lo Étnico, Confrontando a la Discriminación Racial en México, Roxana Rosas Fregosa
Empirical Evidence on Robot Taxation: Literature Review and Technical Analysis, Bret N. Bogenschneider
Ending 30 years of IMF Exceptionalism: A Call for an Accountability Mechanism at the International Monetary Fund, Luiz Vieria
Equality and Human Rights: Confronting Racial Discrimination Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Equity, Race and Opportunity in Pro Sports w/ Jim Rooney and Prof. Jeremi Duru, Jeremi Duru
Exiting the Disaster, Evading the Responsibility? Wadi al-Qamar -- The Moon Valley, Suzan Nada
Exposing Sedated Legal Responses to Non-Consensual Pelvic Exams Under Anesthesia, Ashleigh Austel
Facial Recognition System is a Violation of Human Rights in the Context of the ECHR, Aykhan Dadashov
Financial Regulation & Emerging Technology with Hilary Allen, Hilary J. Allen
Fintech and Techno-Solutionism, Hilary J. Allen
Fintech and the False Promise of Techno-Solutionism, Hilary J. Allen
Food and Drug Law (5th Ed.), Lewis Grossman
Forced Disappearances in Latin America are not Relics of the Past, Taylor Potenziano
Foreclosure Sales as Fraudulent Transfers, David gray Carlson
Forging Ahead: Protecting Against Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains and the Evolving Landscape of Labor Rights, Gemma Muirhead
Former Peruvian President Fujimori's Forced Sterilization Program Faces Prosecution 26 Years Later, Taylor Potenziano
From Alienation to Rootedness: Discrimination Against Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines through Education, Katrina Isabela F. Blanco
From White Noise to Sound Decisions: Overcoming Noise in Corporate Law, Maria Lucia Passador
Gender and International Criminal Law, Susana L. SaCouto
Gender Persecution & the Urgency to systematically prosecute Gender Crimes as Crimes against Humanity, Susana L. SaCouto
Gen Y More Black Corporate Directors, Chaz Brooks
Hearing on Next Generation Infrastructure: How Tokenization of Real-World Assets will Facilitate Efficient Markets, Hilary J. Allen
High-Frequency Traders: How the SEC Can Tighten Regulation While Maintaining the Benefits of a Competitive Market, John I. Sanders
Horizontal Federalism & the Big State "Problem", Elizabeth Beske
Hostility is in the Eye of the Beholder: Why Congress Should Decriminalize Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment in the Military, Adam J. Crane
How Television is Depicting Abortion Post-Dobbs, Jamie Abrams
How the Supreme Court Sees the Role of the First Amendment in Trademark Law, Christine Haight Farley
Human Rights Lawyering in the 21st Century, Gemma Muirhead, Adrian Niedermann, Ailsa Ferland, Gloria Nunez, Kate Beckham, and Leena Alsayab
Hurricane Katrina: When a Crisis is an Opportunity in Government Innovation for Migration Solutions, Camilo Mantilla
IMF Human Rights Accountability: A Pragmatic Way to Break the Deadlock, Aldo Caliari
Immigraft, Jayesh Rathod and Ann Schaufele
Immigraft, Jayesh Rathod and Anne Schaufele
Impact of Extreme Hindutva Ideology on Freedom of Speech in India, Meher Shah
Implications of the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Decision for Law School Admissions, Stephen Wermiel and Lia Epperson
Incentivizing Sustainability in American Enterprise: Lessons From Finnish Model, Vasa T. Dunham
Incentivizing Sustainability in American Enterprise: Lessons From Finnish Model, Vasa T. Dunham
Inclusive Socratic Teaching Why Law Schools Need It and How to Achieve It, Jamie Abrams
Independent International Panel on Arbitrary Detention in State-to-State Relations - Biographies, Claudio Grossman
In Memoriam: Paul R. Rice, Claudio Grossman, Wayne Brazil, Eldone E. Fallon, Robert K. Goldman, and Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Innovation Policy Colloquium: Christine Haight Farley, Christine Haight Farley
Intellectual Property and Related Rights in Climate Data, Michael W. Carroll
Intellectual Property Investment Functions and the Legal Characteristics of Privatization, P. Sean MORRIS
Interrupting Cyclical Trauma: Transitional Justice in the Philippines, Maria Jardeleza
[interview] In on the Joke at the First-Ever Florida Man Games, Ira P. Robbins and Patricia Mazzei
[interview] US Charges Russian-Affiliated Soldiers With War Crimes, Susana L. SaCouto and Jeff Seldin
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Treaty Mechanisms as a Threat to Climate and Sustainable Development Goals, Johanna Leffler
Is Life Imprisonment Without Parole Still Degrading Treatment Under the ECHR?, Aykhan Dadashov
Is the Regulatory Landscape Changing in the Federal Courts? If So, How Can Litigants Adapt?, Jeffrey Lubbers
Item 105 and the Third Circuit’s Crystal Ball Standard: I See Regulatory Risk in Your Future, Cooper D’Anton
Justice William J. Brennan Jr.'s Teleological Jurisprudence and What it Means for Constitutional Interpretation Today, Susan D. Carle
Kim Scheppele’s Vision for Restoring Democracy - And Why We Must Accept the Challenge, Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa
Legal Reforms and Women’s Rights Advocacy in Africa, Emelyne Calimoutou Dr.
Legal Risk and Accountability in Development Finance: Lessons from Jam v. International Finance Corporation, Michelle Harrison and Shannon Marcoux
Limitations and Exceptions in the WIPO Instrument on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge, Sean Flynn
Lunch n Learn focused on Educational Equity Under Attack: From 'Anti-Wokeness' to Affirmative Action bans, Lia Epperson
Measuring the Unmeasurable: Foreign Aid and the Rule of Law, Natallia Karkanitsa
Movies to Fall Asleep to: The Antitrust Implications of Terminating the Paramount Consent Decrees, Isha C. Biswas
Moving Beyond Yoga: An Exploratory, Qualitative Study of Public Defenders’ Solutions for Improving Work-Life and Effective Assistance of Counsel, Alisa M. Smith
Municipal Abortion Bans: When Local Control Clashes with State Power, Laura D. Hermer
Musicians in Copyright's Federated Domain, Michael W. Carroll
Musk’s Lawsuit Ponders if Nonprofit Governance Can Protect a Social Mission, Benjamin Leff
Natural Resources In the Arctic: The Equal Distribution of Uneven Resrouces, Ganeswar Matcha and Sudarsanan Sivakumar
Natural Resources In the Arctic: The Equal Distribution of Uneven Resrouces, Ganeswar Matcha and Sudarsanan Sivakumar
Navigating the Battlefield of Hunger During Armed Conflicts: Obligations, Obstacles and Solutions, Ying Chen and Tarisa Yasin
New Book about "Birth in Times of Despair", Jamie Abrams
New Book on Reproductive Labor and Innovation, Jamie Abrams
New Complaint Filed in N.D.Tex. Challenges Mifepristone Regulation, Jamie Abrams
No-Concessions Policies and the 2023 Israel-Hamas Mediation in Context, ILIAS BANTEKAS
No Harm No Foul?: The Remnants of Pure Consumer Harm in Monopsony Cases under the Sherman Act, William Jackson
NYT Coverage of Brenda Andrew's Case and Submitted Sex Stereotyping Amicus Brief, Jamie Abrams
N.Y. Times Opinion Captures Post-Roe America, Jamie Abrams
ON DEMAND: The Future of the Administrative State in Environmental Law, Jeffrey Lubbers
On the Appeal of Drug Patent Challenges, Charles Duan
On the Field of Equity: The Rooney Rule Unveiled, Jeremi Duru
Open Access Interview with Michael W. Carroll, Michael W. Carroll
Operational Failures and Financial Crises, Hilary J. Allen
Out-of-State Abortion on Company Dime: An Analysis of State Legislation and ERISA, Erin Elizabeth Hanlon
Overcoming Obstacles: Insights From Black Women Prosecutors, Angela J. Davis
Panel 3: Moving Forward: The Goals of Personalized Medicine and Consumer Participation, Robert Dinerstein, Amy Miller, and Donna Cryer
Plausible to Proper: Clarifying Federal Circuit Jurisdiction over Walker Process Appeals, Peter James Rozewicz
Policies & Tools for Ensuring Access to Scholarship: The Future of Open Access, Michael W. Carroll
Policing the Strait: How China’s Policing of the Taiwan Strait Violates the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, Elizabeth C. Parker
Preserving History Through the Lens of Recently Amended Environmental Laws and Policy, Murphy Yanbing Chen
Pressured Exit, Jayesh Rathod
Principle Originalism--The Third Way: A Jurisprudential Response to Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Ryan Fortson
Principles on Effective Investigative Interviews: A New Instrument of International Law, Juan E. Mendez and Matthew Ilsley
Professor Ala'i Delivers Key Insights on International Economic Law at SAIL 2024, Padideh Ala'i and Brice Helms
Professor Christine Haight Farley Spoke at the Texas A&M University School of Law 10th Anniversary IP Conference, Christine Haight Farley
Prof. Lia Epperson On SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling, Lia Epperson
Progress and the Taking of Indigenous Land, Ezra Rosser
Prologue, Claudio Grossman and Robert K. Goldman
Protection of Nuclear Facilities in Warfare under International Law, Gary Corn and Sean Watts
Queer: Litigating Gender Non-Conformity, Eliot Tracz
Questions and Answers on the Future of IP for Research and Innovation, Sean Flynn
[quote ]10 Sports And Betting Cases To Watch In 2024, Jeremi Duru and David Steele
[quote] A Conservative Overhaul of Public Life: What the Supreme Court's Term Means for the US, Lia Epperson and Ed Pilkington
[quote] Black Leadership at Head Coach, QB to be More Visible Than Ever During NFL Playoffs, Jeremi Duru and Cliff Brunt
[quote] Georgia to Weaken Citizen’s Arrest Law Cited in Ahmaud Arbery’s Death, Ira P. Robbins
[quote] It's Past Time for a Rooney Rule in College Football, Jeremi Duru and Kevin B. Blackistone
[quote] Los Angeles Chargers Elevating JoJo Wooden Gives NFL Record Number of Black General Managers, Jeremi Duru and Jason Reid
[quote] New England Patriots' Promotion of Jerod Mayo Important for Black Coaches, Jeremi Duru and Jason Reid
[quote] NLRB’s Joint Employer Rule Triggers ‘Mess’ Over Court Review, Jeffrey Lubbers
[quote] Ron Rivera and Another Blow to Coaching Diversity in the NFL, Jeremi Duru and Jason Reid
[quote] Squatters Have Become a Right-Wing Talking Point. What to Know About the Rare Practice, Brandon Weiss, Maham Javaid, and Maria Luisa Paul
[quotes] Worker Noncompete Ban Proposal Promises FTC Authority Fight (1), Jeffrey Lubbers, Dan Papscum, and Robert Iafolla
[quote] The NFL Gains in Inclusive Hiring, Jeremi Duru and Jason Reid
[quote] The NFL's Inclusive Hiring Efforts Need to Pay Off, Jeremi Duru and Jason Reid
Recent Law Reforms in EU Sustainable Finance: Regulating Sustainability Risk and Sustainable Investments, Felix Mezzanotte
Regional Discrimination as a Quasi-form of Racial Discrimination: Comparing the Protection Under Anglo-American, International and Chinese Laws, Martin YC Kwan
Regulating the Development of Driverless Finance, Hilary J. Allen
Regulation of Football Agents in Europe: A Comparative Law and Economics Analysis, William Bull and Michael Faure
Regulatory Managerialism and Failures of Inaction: A Case Study of Bank Regulation and Climate Change, Hilary J. Allen
Reinventing Operational Risk Regulation for a World of Climate Change, Cyberattacks, and Tech Glitches, Hilary J. Allen
Response to Conophillips' Opposition to UN Rapporteurs Amicus Brief, William Snape and David Hunter
Restoring Democracy Through International Law, Kim Lane Scheppele
Resurrecting the Office of Financial Research, Hilary J. Allen
Robots, Markets, and the Value of Deal Lawyers, Heather Hughes
Russian Irregular Forces: Pursuing Accountability, Susana L. SaCouto
SaCouto: The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over crimes committed in Gaza, Susana L. SaCouto and Vlora Canvas
Sanctions for Non Disclosure, as Set Out in Article 6 of the WIPO Basic Proposal on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Should Include Possible Revocation of a Patent, James Love and Claire Cassedy
Searching for Justice: Incorporating Critical Legal Research Into Clinic Seminar, Priya Baskaran
Securing Patent Law, Charles Duan
Should Agency Adjudication Be Ended?, Jeffrey Lubbers
“Show Me the Money”: The SEC’s Use of Distribution as a Tool for Investor Protection, Coleman Gilkey Newton
Sixth Annual Legal Writing Workshop, David Spratt
Slavery Still Exists and May Have Produced Your Hairdryer, Katherine Pratty
Sovereignty, Survival and Climate Justice: Legal and Political Frontiers of the Blue Pacific Continent, Dame Meg Taylor
Sports Law: Governance and Regulation, 4th Ed., Jeremi Duru, Matthew J. Mitten, Timothy Davis, and Barbara Osborne
STLR Symposium: Digital Copyright | Keynote Speech with Michael Carroll, Michael W. Carroll
Supporting and Advocating for LGBTQI+ Youth: In and Out of the Courtroom, Tamar Alexanian
Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decision Rapid Response Webinar, Lia Epperson
Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decision Rapid Response Webinar, Lia Epperson
TAC Meeting Statements, Hilary J. Allen
Taking Misappropriation Seriously: State Common Law Disgorgement Actions for Insider Trading, Jeanne L. Schroeder
Tax Class, Benjamin Leff
The AB5 Experiment — Should States Adopt California’s Worker Classification Law?, Samantha Prince
The Art of Discovery: Part 2, David Spratt
The Art of Discovery: Part 3, David Spratt
The Barons and the Mob: Essays on Centralized Platforms and Decentralized Crowds, Charles Duan and James Grimmelmann
The Battle Over Bostock: Dueling Presidential Administrations & The Need for Consistent and Reliable LGBT Rights, Regina L. Hillman
The China Challenge: Excluding Mexican/Chinese EVs From the United States, David A. Gantz
The Chinese Doctrine of Fundamental Principles of International Law: Comparison of Soviet, Euro-American, and Chinese Theories of International Law, Naoto Mochizuki and Keisuke Minai
The Conundrum of the Essential Security Exception: Can the WTO Resolve the GATT Article XXI Crisis and Save the Dispute Settlement Mechanism?, Stephen Kho, Yujin McNamara, Sarah Kirwin, and Brooke Davies
The Delaware-Inspired Next Step Toward Brazil Becoming the South American Leader in Corporate Law: Making Public Company Arbitrations a Matter of Public Record, Caio Machado Filho, Francisco Rüger Antunes Maciel Müssnich, and Leo E. Strine Jr.
The Domestic and International Limitations of the Third-Party Doctrine in the Digital Age, Miguel E. Serrano
The Endangered Species Act at 50, Dialogue with Experts, William Snape, Madison Calhoun, Sharmeen Morrison, Derb Carter, J.B. Ruhl, and Sean Skaggs
The ESA at 50, Madison Calhoun, William Snape III, Derb Carter, Sharmeen Morrison, J.B. Ruhl, and Sean Skaggs
The Failure of the Italian Government to Honor the Human Rights of Migrants, John Kerins
THE FAIR USE/FAIR DEALING HANDBOOK, Jonathan Band and Jonathan Gerafi
The Foundation of the Theory of Law and Business, James E. Holloway Professor (Retired)
The Importance of Administrative Appeals as Second Instance Bodies to Strengthen Migration and Asylum Systems, Gabriela Richard Rodriguez
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights Address "Obstetric Violence" in Rodriguez Pacheco et al. v. Venezuela, Lily Cantor
The Invasion of Ukraine: A Gross Violation of International Law, Claudio Grossman
The Legacy of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Elizabeth Beske
The Limits of a Peace Agreement: An Analysis of the Havana Agreements, Eduardo Bertoni
The Possibilities and Practicalities of Financial Product Preapproval, Hilary J. Allen
The Revolution Will Not Be Moderated: Examining Florida and Texas's Attempts to Prohibit Social Media Content Moderation, Caroline Jones
The Rhetoric of Abortion in Amicus Briefs, Jamie Abrams and Amanda Potts
The Rhetoric of Abortion in Amicus Briefs, Jamie Abrams
The Right to Research as Guarantor for Sustainability, Innovation and Justice in EU Copyright Law, Christophe Geiger and Bernd Justin Jütte
The River of Accountability Mechanisms: Then and Now, Suresh Nanwani
The Seal Has Been Lifted: NCAA and Predominantly White Colleges Must Soon Stop Exploiting Their Black Athletes, Daniel Bartlett
The SEC as Financial Stability Regulator, Hilary J. Allen
The Slow Drip of Decarceration: Reversing the Flood of Mass Incarceration and Its Racist Impact, Olinda Moyd
The Stunted Development of Unfair Competition Law in the United States and Canada, Christine Haight Farley
The Triumph of Three Big Ideas in Fair Use Jurisprudence, Michael W. Carroll and Peter Jaszi
The Validity of Trade Restrictions on Artificial Intelligence Technology Under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade's National Security Exception, Isabelle Brundieck
The Very Interstate Nature of the Internet? Establishing Uniform Requirements for Internet Transmissions Within Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Catherine Beal
The WTO as a forum for regulatory cooperation: Transparency and open plurilateral agreements, Padideh Ala'i
Thirty Years of Accountability in International Development: Insights from the General Counsel of the World Bank Group, Christopher H. Stephens
This Comment Is Gay: How Banning LGBTQ-Themed Books Violates First Amendment Rights, Michael Karam
Too Much Domestic Law in International Arbitration: The Case of Arbitral Res Judicata, Luca G. Radicati Di Brozolo
Towards a New Orbit: Addressing the Legal Void in Space Mining, Rebekah Shields
Trademark and Free Speech at the Crossroads, Christine Haight Farley
Trademarks in An Algorithmic World, Christine Haight Farley
Truth or Accountability: The Human Rights Violations of the Northern Ireland Troubles Legacy and Reconciliation Act of 2023, McKenzie Gallagher
UCLA Law report on How Election Could Effect IVF, Jamie Abrams
Unacceptable Means: The Inspection Panel Actions on World Bank Forcible Resettlement, Lori Udall
[Un]bound? A Critical Assessment of the Nature of Interim Measures Requests by the Human Rights Committee, Andrew D. Mitchell and Trina Malone
UN Team of Experts on Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict, Susana L. SaCouto
Updating the Caroline Doctrine: A Relic In an Age of Hypersonic Weapons, David S. Jonas and Tyler Breeden
US Arrests Former Syrian Prison Chief – But Will the Charges Prove Equal to His Crimes?, Rebecca Hamilton and Paras Shah
U.S. Strikes Against the Houthis: A "Splendid Little War" of Self-Defense, Benjamin W. Haight
U'wa Indigenous People vs. Columbia: Potential Applications of the Escazu Agreement, Ariana Lippi
Venture Capital and Financial Stability, Hilary J. Allen and Ann Lipton
Video Analytics and Fourth Amendment Vision, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Violating the Protections of International Law: Examining Methods to Combat the Practice of Female, Angel R. Gardner
Vulnerable Fraudsters: Reverse Affinity Fraud in Cases of Public Hoaxes, Caroline E. Vordtriede
WCL Faculty Speaks: COVID-19 and Public Health Law, Lindsay F. Wiley
WCL Faculty Speaks: Migration Law and Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Janie A. Chuang, Jayesh Rathod, and Anita Sinha
WCL Faculty Speaks: States of Emergency in International Law and the Current Pandemic, Claudio Grossman, Fernanda Giorgia Nicola Dr., and Robert K. Goldman
WCL Faculty Speaks: Virtual Currency, Heather Hughes and Hilary J. Allen
"What Kind of Court Is This?": Perceptions of International Justice Among Rohingya Refugees, Rebecca Hamilton, Payam Akhavan, and Antonia Mulvey
Why Criminalize Ecocide? Experts Weigh In, Rebecca Hamilton
WIPO General Assembly 65th: Issues Affecting the Right to Research, Sean Flynn and Andres Izquierdo
WIPO Good Practice Toolkit for Collective Management Organisations 2021: Suggestions for Possible Amendment, Desmond Oriakhogba
World Bank's Roadmap and the Inspection Panel's Human Rights Responsibilities, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and C.P. Chandrasekhar
Youth Voices for Human Rights Litigation in the Face of Climate Change, McKenzie Gallagher
Yvette Butler on "Silencing the Sex Worker", Jamie Abrams